"P2 inside" or "P1 inside" stickers

I gutted this old Lenovo case to quickly setup P1/P2 console experiments with user interfaces on benchtop or potentially PLC or LabView type tools. While I was scraping off the old "Intel inside" sticker it occurred to me... I'd love to have "P2 inside" or "P1 inside" stickers, like you'd see on PCs and other products.
Seems like it would be a low-cost promotional effort more effective than the generic robot stickers that come in our packages from Parallax now. I use the big Parallax "Made in USA" on all my random gear that might get out in the public eye.
I don't know about how close you could come on the trademark issue with "inside" , but I'm sure there is another word/phrase that conveys the same or better for the purposes of getting the Parallax brand out and visible.
Here are just a few of P-alliterative suggestions: Power , Parallel , Potential , Propulsive , Prolific , Potent , Pro-Active , Proficient , Pioneering , Propitious , Perpetual , Prodigious , Perspective, or probably my favorite Polyamorous - I love ALL the cogs.
"P2" and "P1" mean something inside our group. But, it is a useless distinction for general promotion of the Parallax Propeller, itself. and so, "Propeller" for this device sticker purpose should figure most prominently, while "Parallax" remain in the subtext - perhaps " parallax.com "
just some thoughts on the terms, should it matter to inform anyone...
1. Power : obvious, and generic in marketing. I don't recommend
2. Parallel : truthful, but buzz-wordiness has diminished the value of this word
3. Potential : yes, but suggests unrealized results
4. Propulsive : nah
5. Prolific : sorta
6. Potent : maybe
7. Pro-Active : though plenty of "Pro" people tell me to use common stuff, I appreciate the unique solutions the Propeller professionals produce. they are Active.
8. Proficient : rhymes with "Passable"
9. Pioneering : this one has potential. it suggests something about the people and places that Propeller people go. I like it. but run it past legal.. I know that TI brands some of there development boards with "Pioneer"
10. Propitious : presumptuous, pompous
11. Perpetual : interesting, but too meta, I think
12. Prodigious : pretty vague in a lame way
13. Perspective : this one strikes me as interesting because of the unique powerful perspective that the adopters of Propeller have, as well as a curious application to the Parallax brand name itself.
yes! succint. says it ALL.
compelling in itself to investigate further.
a close look directs them to parallax.com to understand
oh, and in the box I just received from Parallax today, I look again at the robot sticker and now I DO see Parallax.com on it. I'd seen that sticker, literally, a dozen times in Parallax orders and it never registered that it said Parallax on it at all. just a blind spot for me, I couldn't get past the robot platform picture that is probably exactly the sticker that does go perfectly well with all their educational packages. it seems perfect for that.
just some perplexity generated concepts for the sticker, should it matter at all.

Propelled by Parallax
Well, if anyone in the visual arts is worried about AI taking their job, I don't think they have a lot to worry about just yet!
AI imagery is like anti-advertisement, a quick way to connect your brand to values such as "cheap", "tasteless" and "morally bankrupt"
I completely agree.
We all know that.
Hey @refaQtor I'm ready to turn your ideas into a sticker! Thanks for the input and ideas you're sharing. I'll let this roast for another day and we will harvest the best one and make you a sticker!
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
I hope you have a real graphic person to put it right, with proper branded font and such.
I'm a bit of a hack with graphic tools.
I was just spit-ballin' here with the ideas; trying to blend in eight and cog and parallel and speed and lightness and human-oid
I could take a stab at it, I got some branding feedback.
and, yeah. let it percolate a bit.
Spitballs are welcomed, 'specially if they don't hit me in the forehead. Keep the ideas coming!
Ken Gracey
Can I just point out that none of the images offered so far actually include ... a Propeller ?.
I'd have thought that was a given.
But then I am often accused of being too literal
I was wondering, if the word "Parallax" could be shaped into something like a speedboat with a strong propeller attached.
maybe something like this? @"Ken Gracey" I hope the integration of the official branding is OK.
8 points, 8 parallel lines, onwards and upwards swoop to the Propelled, bright blue pop for small sticker
Makes me think of the old "Powered by Propeller" stickers.

Ah you did well to find that thread wba. I couldn't find it, though I could remember the OPs real name and have some of those domed stickers. The new ones refaqtor is proposing look awesome too.
@"Ken Gracey" @cgracey anyone? is use of the branding (name, font, shape) acceptable to Parallax proper? I'd like to make a batch of these for myself, even if not an official Parallax project.
Obviously not my call but anything with the company name on it can give the appearance you are representing Parallax ... or that the equipment is a Parallax product.
Probably better to limit the naming to a specific item like "P2 Propelled". Then at least you are talking about one component that is a Parallax product.
Propeller 8-core
www.> @evanh said:
Also not certain the design is quite there yet either. I’d rather see this opportunity maximised with more iterations.
@"Ken Gracey" ... are some design ideas something Parallax’s socials designer might be able to help with?
These would be cool to have for the OpenHouse!
I concur. I am no digital graphic artist or designer with any useful sense of the social or marketing scene. I offer up a concept that might inspire real media professionals. If it strikes anyone as valuable, great!
At the same time, I don't mean to push on anything that'll make work for others.