A file character reading challenge for SPin2 / Pasm experts.

So lets say you have a file on your SD card and you need to check what byte is at position 75 in the file.
In Spin2 or PASM how could that be done.
So lets say you have a file on your SD card and you need to check what byte is at position 75 in the file.
In Spin2 or PASM how could that be done.
Use Taqoz!
75 sdc@
Just posted this FAT32 object to the OBEX. Tried to make it as simple to use as possible.
CON _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000 _SD_MISO = 58 _SD_SCK = 61 _SD_MOSI = 59 _SD_CS = 60 VAR byte buffer[2048] OBJ sd : "SD card driver" PUB main() | result if sd.mount(_SD_CS, _SD_MOSI, _SD_MISO, _SD_SCK) sd.openFile(string("filename.txt")) result := sd.readByte(75) debug(uhex_byte_(result))