Data from a sensor
in Propeller 1
I think I may be being hard of thinking here, but...
A doppler radar sensor sends to a P1 (for example) "-26.0", i.e., a string of bytes, 45, 50, 54, 46, 48, 13.
Is there an easy way to get this as a value with which I can do things within other parts of the spin code (even if I have to scale it to -260 as an integer to be able to use the tenths part), or do I need to work it out from scratch? It's not zero-terminated as various string-handler spin files need.
I've been round in circles so many times, I'm starting to get dizzy!
It's easier than you think. Here's a simple method that will take serial input and convert it to a value on-the-fly. It only cares about "-" (just once), "0".."9", and the decimal point, so it's quite easy.
I tested it with PST. That code is attached.
Now... if your sensor is going to change the position of the decimal point in different readings, you'll have to do a little more work (i.e., keeping track of the digits after the decimal).
Thank you, Jon. I may have been over-thinking it!
Much appreciated,
That has taught me quite a lot about the case statement and how strings are handled - very clever. Every day is a school-day! Thanks again.
Keep in mind that most string functions in Propeller libraries count on z-strings, that is, a group of ASCII characters followed by a NULL (0). The capture/convert routine is on-the-fly, so we don't really care about 0, just anything not a legal character. There are times when I need to capture input from a device and treat it like string in the Px realm. Here's a very simple string capture that would work with your sensor.
You need to tell the routine where to store your string, and the length will be returned.
Here's a little conversion routine that will convert your string to a number, and tell you the number of digits after the decimal point. You can use this for scaling values to the same range.
To use this you pass a pointer to your buffer, and a pointer to a variable that will hold the number of digits after the decimal point (must be a long). This does work -- I wrote a little test program using the terminal to create sensor input, and then processing it.
Every days is a school day. As long as it is consistent, I can learn it.