Smartest BoeBot
Smartest Boebot
Boebot is an excellent robot platform for doing experiments.
In this tethered experiment, the intelligence of BoeBot is massively
increased. Forty prop chips, providing 320 tiny RISC computers, are
added to BoeBot along with the BASIC Stamp Board of Education
using twenty Propeller Proto Boards in a high rising skyscraper
stack. Available ports now exceed 1,280 and computational speed
tops out above a blazing 6,400 MIPS. The balance point is shifted
slightly towards the front of BoeBot to increase stability during motion.
Motions are typically slowed to stabilize the platform during travel
as Smartest BoeBot carries around his big new brain.

*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Humanoid Toddler Robot
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Propalot Stuff *Prop SC Computer
*Prop Super Mini Computing Machine *Hobby Space Program *Smartest BoeBot at
Post Edited (humanoido) : 7/14/2010 10:11:24 AM GMT
Boebot is an excellent robot platform for doing experiments.
In this tethered experiment, the intelligence of BoeBot is massively
increased. Forty prop chips, providing 320 tiny RISC computers, are
added to BoeBot along with the BASIC Stamp Board of Education
using twenty Propeller Proto Boards in a high rising skyscraper
stack. Available ports now exceed 1,280 and computational speed
tops out above a blazing 6,400 MIPS. The balance point is shifted
slightly towards the front of BoeBot to increase stability during motion.
Motions are typically slowed to stabilize the platform during travel
as Smartest BoeBot carries around his big new brain.
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Humanoid Toddler Robot
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Propalot Stuff *Prop SC Computer
*Prop Super Mini Computing Machine *Hobby Space Program *Smartest BoeBot at
Post Edited (humanoido) : 7/14/2010 10:11:24 AM GMT
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
It moves along just fine. If you have seen the space shuttle being moved with a special transport to the gantry, it sort of resembles the Smartest BoeBot. It looks top heavy, as does the Space Shuttle, however it's well balanced, and it moves along slow and perfectly fine on a smooth level surface. From what I can see, the servos work just fine at the slower speed (move slow, start slow, stop slow, and use ramping). A bonus is the added traction to the rubber wheels. I use the standard battery pack and for extended life, use the optional add on battery. For the brain, of course a tether must be used to supply power from an external source. Here the power depends on the clock mode selected.
Thanks for the calculations. 1,600,000 BS2s are required to get the same processing speed - wow! I wonder what that would cost? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
There's two Props per board and 20 boards. With two BS2s per board, it would take 800,000 boards. If you stacked 20 boards to a vertical column, then 40,000 columns would be needed. However, a symmetrical cube could be formed using a whole number of 92 boards per side. There would be some left over boards outside of the cube, about 21,312 boards.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 7/19/2010 11:39:39 AM GMT
With it's high CG, it looks to be a good candidate for a balancing (Segway-type) robot. What wonderful plans do you have for this smartest of BoeBots?
And per Whit (& Arnold), where will you run and hide when it does become self-a-way-uh?
·"If you build it, they will come."
Sure it could be turned into a Segway project but just look at it - for an easier project, turn it sideways and it becomes a train boxcar - add a couple wheels and tow the brain behind the Boe-Bot. But somehow towing your own brain outside of your body isn't as much fun as having it surgically implanted. What do you think???
It has 321 processors in parallel and 1,296 controller ports.. what do you want it to do? It's your call. I was thinking of having it do some brain activities that are smart.
You just bought your first BoeBot and probably just finished assembly and you're beginning to explore the software coding examples in the book. Erco is a seasoned robotics and BoeBot expert (but very modest) who has built some of the most amazing projects ever conceived, and is published in many technical magazines and journals. He is also an educator and teaches many people many new things about robotics. So when it comes to BASIC Stamps and Propellers, comparing Apples and Oranges can bring about some interesting facts and figures, even gargantuan numbers, which can be not only humorous but good learning examples.
I was thinking about your comment a few days ago when I walked into the Shanghai EXPO indoor area and someone was riding a SEGWAY robot. He went straight past, a few feet away, then drove directly into the distant elevator (which looked a bit out of place and strange, lucky no one was inside at the time) and the door closed. It was my first look at Segway in person! There was a huge robot presence at the EXPO so it should not be unexpected. More on this later.
Very good point - AI self awareness is a topic that comes up frequently as you can see we are constantly moving closer to achieving this. It's not that far away. But it does appear that the machine brain will think differently than the human brain to achieve the same goals. I think great minds can appreciate the self aware concept and welcome it. We are still approaching the full utilization of parallel computing techniques with multi processor chips and multi chip boards, though progress is being made even at the hobby level.
Post Edited (Humanoido) : 7/31/2010 3:56:21 PM GMT
I often lay awake at night trying to think of some practical use for so many Props.· What kind of task could multiple Props solve by working together.· I've often wished for a rendering farm for computer animation but this isn't an application appropriate for Props (at least not in the normal sense).
I've tried to think of ways multiple Props could be used for machine vision.· I've wondered if there is a·display technology that would benefit from this hardware.· I have yet to come up with anything.
In my opinion, your robot needs software.
Yes, I want to see it do something smart.· I·think it·should also do something mobile since it's a robot.· I'd like to see it·deal with real time information/challenges.· Have you (or anyone else) come up with a practical (or entertaining) application for this robot or other many Propeller robot.· I'm still stumped.
Edit: I just noticed this is in the Stamps In Class forum.· Shouldn't this be in the Propeller forum?
2nd Edit: I see this is a branch of a thread in the Propeller forum.· I've copied my coments and questions there.
Post Edited (Duane Degn) : 8/1/2010 11:54:37 PM GMT
Post Edited (Humanoido) : 8/3/2010 8:20:48 AM GMT
I want to do the same thing so wanted to know what screws and stand offs you used ?
PS Big Ups for pushing the limits I am just gonna try stack 3 of the Arduino boards
Bumping this wonderful post from the good old days. I miss Humanoido and his penchant for a plurality of Parallax processors!