Looking for PropTCP
in Propeller 1
I have a new project I am working on, and I'm trying to incorporate some TCP protocols. It looks like there was a lot of talk about the PropTCP project by Harrison Pham, but I cannot find any source code for it anywhere, since his site is down. I was able to get the ENC28J60 driver, but that's about it. Any help tracking down the source code for it would be helpful.
Another related question: Would it be easier to incorporate TCP on a P2? Or would I more or less be in the same boat, but with a much more capable microcontroller?
Wiznet module
There is the Arduino version for Olimex
You can get hold of a copy here:
I had found the Google Code project, but when you actually download it, there's nothing in the repository. The forum link looks like it's exactly what I need. Thank you!
I'll look into this. It looks to have a lot more active support.
Now to see if it's possible to implement Modbus for either one of these options.
You need to fork it to github to get the latest code. Requires a ghithub account though
I found this Modbus spin written By Pacman