Cyber:Bot- Sniffer attack and defenses
My student and I are on the section of this lesson called "Try this: Sniffing without Errors" We cannot seem to figure out the code to get the sniffer to give the response on this page:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The first image on that page does not look correct to me. At that point in the lesson, the Transmitter and Intended Receiver terminals do look correct. On the other hand, the Sniffer terminal should be displaying KDSSB and other similarly unintelligible strings. Is that what you are seeing?
I just updated the image. The Sniffer terminal should now show KDSSB, VDG and DQJUB. If it doesn't, try your browser's refresh button. If the updates still don't show, Google search for "cacheless refresh" followed by your browser's name. Example: cacheless refresh chrome
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
No. Code and serial attached.

The except statement cannot stand on its own; it needs to be preceded by a try statement that "tries" to execute some statements that might throw an exception. The specific page in exception handling where this is demonstrated is:
Also, add the, packet)) inside the try: statement so that your except statement will print the message you are expecting.
Still something wrong. Nothing displays on the sniffer and the below is what I have and see in the serial.
No the try goes before the except. It's the routine portion tries when it falls out of the while loop
Well, I got the two lines I was supposed to get but I did not get it to continue to handle the exception continuously.