Spin 2 for Beginners : SIRCS

The attached archive contains the demos (as archives) for today's presentation.
Unzip the main archive to a convenient location
Unzip each demo archive
-- save the top file to convenient location
-- save other files (objects) to your Spin2 Library folder (allow overwriting)
I've also attached data sheets for the IR sensors offered by Parallax.
Code updated 20:25 PST, 28 APR 2021
Connections for SIRCS experiments.
For those who were able to join in today, thanks for your attendance -- I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I have updated the files in the post at the top.
For those who remember my frustration/irritation with the sensor detection not working (when I know I had tested that), the culprit turned out to be my logic analyzer.
For those looking for a very low-cost logic analyzer, this is what I was using today.
-- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077LSG5P2
It has such a low price tag that I couldn't NOT try it, and it has been very helpful (today's irritation notwithstanding).
For the capture displays (I've attached a couple) I am using the freeware program PulseView. It is x-platform and quite nice. I especially like the wealth of protocol analyzers.
-- https://sigrok.org/wiki/PulseView
Looking forward to the next session where we'll be talking long-range remote control through a standard RC transmitter and using the S.BUS protocol to get all our channels through a single IO pin. This is the hardware I used for testing:
-- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Z9YNP7S
... but any RC receiver with S.BUS output will work.
I just got an update of program 04 from Kevin -- the young guy who is good with robots. We found a small gotcha, but have that fixed, and now the program reports TV and DVD remote buttons accurately.
I bought one of those CANNOT RESIST very low-cost logic analyzers months ago. Just haven't had the time to get it out of the bag
I would rather get the P2 to do something similar but fear that's a looong way off for me.