P2 Rom listing

in Propeller 2
Is there source code for the P2 rom contend? Or part of it?
Is there source code for the P2 rom contend? Or part of it?
Yes, but I think it is not in the zip files, lately. I will start adding it in again and I'll post it here, too, in about an hour.
I've been getting my versions mixed up but this one checks out.
Thanks Peter & Chip
Thanks, Peter.
I did give the link earlier - https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1521913/#Comment_1521913
Peter, thank you for all those files with listings and binaries. Evanh, the website (github) has some missing files (for v32i).
Main differences between those versions:
(Note: v33k has much less size (bytes) due to use of tabs instead of spaces but only 12 lines changed)
$ ls -ltra 301952 Feb 19 2019 P2ROM_v33h.spin2 434366 Feb 19 2019 p2rom_v33h.lst 1048512 Feb 19 2019 p2rom_v33h.bin 284842 Dec 31 2019 ROM_Booter_v33k.spin2 $ sha1sum.exe * f3747f930771b52d08a03fb76863b72c0ef18a18 *P2ROM_v33h.spin2 70ed94af9fe662145eec30cb9108ecc65951292f *p2rom_v33h.bin 5df945a31959cd53a5099d6b564e74f2c644512f *p2rom_v33h.lst ae4e5cbf3838cd15d11322c4105e6ca8b122c0f5 *ROM_Booter_v33k.spin2 $ md5sum * 4d58507ddc3f976904bfd7ffb6e5414b *P2ROM_v33h.spin2 6c62ac4a20ae0a107af3b99cb4f48527 *p2rom_v33h.bin 748efc968b01ce4fcc640dfaacd436ec *p2rom_v33h.lst ff5746137fa9d7bf8711bf17eba7f587 *ROM_Booter_v33k.spin2
How can we dump the ROM? I am thinking three ways:
Well, you can examine the running live ROM code in hubRAM after boot, via Taqoz/Monitor/whatever, but I don't think there is a way to re-extract from the ROM itself. I think it vanishes after the initial COGINIT. One special case for Cog0 only.
The initial copy is placed in the last 16 KB of hubRAM ($fc000 .. $fffff) - https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1520358/#Comment_1520358
I will check those differences in the files to see what's happened but I checked the listing against the actual ROM contents since the ROM is copied to $FC000 and TAQOZ ROM doesn't touch this area (or $7C000) so that it is still intact.
TAQOZ# $FC240 $40 DUMP --- FC240: 26 00 00 FF 26 00 00 77 00 00 00 00 70 6F 72 50 '&...&..w....porP' FC250: 6B 68 43 5F 6B 6C 43 5F 78 65 48 5F 74 78 54 5F 'khC_klC_xeH_txT_' FC260: 0D 0A 50 72 6F 70 5F 56 65 72 20 47 0D 0A 00 00 '..Prop_Ver G....' FC270: 2E 00 00 00 50 72 6F 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 03 '....Prop........' ok TAQOZ# $7C240 $40 DUMP --- 7C240: 26 00 00 FF 26 00 00 77 00 00 00 00 70 6F 72 50 '&...&..w....porP' 7C250: 6B 68 43 5F 6B 6C 43 5F 78 65 48 5F 74 78 54 5F 'khC_klC_xeH_txT_' 7C260: 0D 0A 50 72 6F 70 5F 56 65 72 20 47 0D 0A 00 00 '..Prop_Ver G....' 7C270: 2E 00 00 00 50 72 6F 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 03 '....Prop........' ok
I think that there should be no issue. I was comparing rev. A to rev. B. Reading the ROM is just some learning exercise.
I'll post my list version(s) when I get home tonight.
IIRC there were some last minute changes and a rush to get the code to OnSemi, so the three of us (Chip, Peter and I) had to combine our blocks together quickly.
There is no difference in Versions B & C.
Versions A to B had some minor tweeks by Chip, TAQOZ has some good extras added, and the SD boot code had a few tweeks to fix the DO release problem. The Monitor did not change, and it's position remained static in the ROM.
Yes, I would get Chip's and Ray's code and run them through with all my individual build files through an M4 preprocessor and then through Dave Hein's p2asm and loadp2 so I could get a proper listing to check the mapping etc. Then I would load it onto my CVA9 board that was plugged into another board with all the test stuff on it and with Flash and an SD socket then also verify the timings with a scope etc. I would then shoot the combined and processed files back to Chip and Ray to check.
Chip didn't have any SD on his board.
I have a feeling that the last version was an "i" but ended up labelled as "g" in the code.
Here's comments section, post-v32, from ROM_Booter_v33k.spin2
'' RR20190215 v33_01a ROM_Booter_v33_01a.spin - tweek SD Booter '' RR20190216 b force release of SD-DO pin (& tweek to make space) '' RR20190217 f combine _SDcard_Init & _readMBR --> Init/CSD/CID/MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT etc '' PBJ '' RR20190219 h remove SD_CS pull-up check for Start_SDcard (ROM booter) ' i fix timeout bug ' j use "G" for Prop2 silicon v2 (for Prop_Chk response)
and the version string
CON ' ver = "A" 'Prop123-A9 / BeMicro-A9, 8 cogs, 64 smart pins ' ver = "B" 'DE2-115 ' ver = "C" 'DE0-Nano / DE0-Nano Bare ' ver = "D" 'BeMicro-A2 ' ver = "E" 'Prop123-A7 ' ver = "F" 'Prop123-A9 / BeMicro-A9, 16 cogs, 12 smart pins ver = "G" 'Prop2 Silicon v2
These are what I believe was final code for P2 Rev2 known as v33j