Quick Byte: XBee RF Transparent and API Mode Demo

in Propeller 2
JonnyMac's material, all collected up into one place along with the X-CTU screenshots to get properly configured!
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Ken Gracey
Good Job, Ken, keep the quick bytes rolling...
Oh sure. The one that's nagging me heavily is the WiFi stuff. We really need a far improved IoT presence for the P2. I spent time/money getting an object together for the ESP32 but nobody seems to be using it, Need some help figuring out how to further the IOT solutions for the P2 -- both identifying the hardware, choosing the right code to share, and making it useful with a Quick Byte. Part of the problem is I haven't taken time to survey the options, the customer needs, and the best solution.
Miss ya at recent P2 Live Forums.
I think 3 needs of ESP32 (or even the Parallax ESP86-based WiFi module) need to be in a library that:
As an example, the Digi XBee Series 3 modules are really good at #3. Easy setup, and acts like a wired serial interface. ESP solutions should be that simple.
With the Parallax WiFi module for P1, #1 & #2 were also available. The examples were/are spilt between Spin and C, I believe, but were difficult to get right the first time. At least, that's what is in my memory
A library for either/both ESPs that does all 3 with the simplicity of how the XBee's work, would be valuable.
Dennis, this clarifies things for me and I shall return to this post several times.
I'm still not clear on which hardware we should be furthering to support what functions, but this helps.
Is this true:
Parallax WX Module for #1
ESP32 library/hardware we've published for #2 and #3
XBee Series 3 for #3
Is that mostly correct?
I was actually referring to the Parallax WiFi Module tutorial (which might be useful for ESP32, as well) : https://learn.parallax.com/tutorials/language/propeller-c/parallax-wx-wi-fi-module-prop-c
And, some Spin code example from the forum (oldbitcollector's code?)