Wifi Air Quality Sensor
The html file is just an edited Val from Micro host from the example zip file. I still have to figure out how to pass several variables to the webpage, and formatting. I'm not sure the delays for heating and cooling are correct.
Edit: I think most of these numbers are floats, with altitude being an integrator.
Yes, the auto update should be used carefully.
My eventual plan is to enclose this sensor with a WX activity board and place it outside as the beginning of a weather station. I know the WX board and wifi won't go down below 32F however I can heat them. Then use a desktop computer to record and post to weather underground. I'm not sure if I should or can pull the info off the webpage I already made or use the websock method. More research and experimenting.
Otherwise it works great, though the estimated altitude varies wildly.
Just change the wx_connect statement (or block) to use the new IO pins.
P8/9 are commonly used for this purpose, in other learn examples. Any IO pair will do.
Reason being, that when you hook SEL to 3.3V, then the terminal debug output also gets routed via the WiFi module, instead of via USB.
Whereas, if you move WiFi to some other pins, you can keep SEL unconnected (or grounded), and the debug data will continue out of the USB port. .. And you should also continue to get the sensor data routed to the wifi module (and thus your webpage).
(OK- I'm assuming here that you are programming the device by USB, and thus waiting for terminal debug data over USB. If you are only using the WiFi connection for programming and debugging, with nothing plugged into the USB port, then need to think about this again...).
Probably the server (aka blockly instance hosted on your computer) needs to re-open the connection, which it does do when you re-upload the code.
The best person at Parallax to advise on this would be @"Jeff Martin"
He'll be available from Tuesday I think, and would know if any workarounds or updates are in development that might help.
I'll share him your other support email thread, and ask his help.