
I have been updating my Pixy2 demo for a couple hours today when -- as I was contemplating how to make things better -- I watched all of the blocks get erased from the screen. Gone. All of them. I closed the browser without saving, hoping that this would preserve my last save, even if I did lose a few changes. Thankfully, it did.
That said, when I did a test compile there were a bunch of errors leading back to the serial object. I've been experiencing this a lot, but finally reporting it. My serial object is using pins 5 and 4, hence gets named fdser5_4. When the errors occur, I notice that the reference to this object are called fdser0_0. Clearly, there is a problem in the blocks to code translation, but it is not consistent.
That said, when I did a test compile there were a bunch of errors leading back to the serial object. I've been experiencing this a lot, but finally reporting it. My serial object is using pins 5 and 4, hence gets named fdser5_4. When the errors occur, I notice that the reference to this object are called fdser0_0. Clearly, there is a problem in the blocks to code translation, but it is not consistent.
I have changed that project to Unlisted until I can figure out what's happening, or someone from Parallax finds some errant code on the server side.
One test that might save your time, (and which Parallax might appreciate the answer to)......
Do you get the same behaviour with https://solo.parallax.com
You might not be aware... Solo got a major version update yesterday, and maybe it fixes the behaviour your seeing.
Solo informed me that I needed a new Launcher so I downloaded, uninstalled the old one, then installed the new one. From the launcher window I opened a browser. I imported the blocks (attached) from the saved file, then re-saved as a different name. And that's were the success ends.
Click on compile button. Nothing.
Click on compile and load RAM button. Nothing.
Click on the code button. Shows empty screen; blocks are not converted to C.
And, yes, the com port for my Propeller board is detected and displayed.
I am only doing the project to assist Ken, so I'm not that worried about it, but those who routinely use Blockly may be affected. The online version works again, so I have reset that project to public.