"The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells - controlled by 2 X Basic Stamps

"The Time Machine"
By H.G. Wells
By H.G. Wells
I have always been a fan of the original version of, "The Time Machine". I decided to add animation and lights. The model is quite large as can be seen from the photos and video.
I created a separate key that must be inserted to switch the machine on (just like the original). The disk rotates forward or back in time faster or slower the more the lever is moved. The lights all work the same as in the film. It is controlled by two basic stamps. One controls all the lights, the other the disk. The Basic Stamps both talk to one another through a serial communications link.

Hope you like it!
Thank you Sir!
Much appreciated!
Can you do me a favor and explain your excellent circuit there? I am interested in how it was wired.
LOL!! Ah, you found my secret!