BlocklyProp / S3: "no devices found"

Biggest problem I have with BlocklyProp/S3 is when box at top right reads "no devices found." So students and I are dead in the water. I'm using Win 10.
To solve, I didn't see anything here other than info to contact tech support:
Anyone have a checklist of possible problems/solutions or a troubleshooting path?
To solve, I didn't see anything here other than info to contact tech support:
Anyone have a checklist of possible problems/solutions or a troubleshooting path?
Thanks, that is where I start as well.
I agree the message is probably the same as "No Prop found," but I'm quoting the actual message so it will make it easier for future educators to find a solution here in the forum
What I'm hoping for is a full list of possibles and the troubleshooting path. When I trying to do a demo to other educators and am thwarted, I need a quick guide to solving the problem. I try to be an evangelist but couple of times now ended with turning off potential adopters.
Really should be for Win and Mac.
I would be curious if the standard S3 toolbox or the Proptool actually sees the S3.
Agree, another easy check for a problem that sometimes creeps up on me.
Let's try this:
Since the USB provides power to the S3, it shouldn't be a battery issue. But, it should be ON. As you know, when it's charging it seems on (red light) but press the on/off button to actually turn it on.
Make sure the cable is properly seated in the robot; same for PC.
Check the COM ports in BlocklyProp. You might have multiple COM ports showing up. Try them all.
If it still fails, take it to another computer. Does it program on another machine? If so, there's probably an issue with the previous machine.
Can a "working" S3 be programmed with the problematic computer? More basic troubleshooting.
How's that?
Ken Gracey
I found the problem. Although the instructions note to use the included USB cable, cables tend to migrate throughout the lab. The students had mixed them up and that was the problem.
So another Educator Tip to add to my seminars: wrap green electrical tape around the Parallax-provided cables and remind students to use only those.
I might have an ambitious student next semester looking for some projects. I'll suggest the possibility of him doing some experimenting and then write a troubleshooting path. If he completes that document I'll post it here.
- John
I see that the S3 USB cable is longer and uses a thicker gauge wire then a standard USB cable.
Since this appears not to be a standard USB cable then it should not look like one.
Ideally the cables should be the same color as the S3 or at least have S3 labeling on them.
Also, other then being about a foot longer than most USB cables, is there any other way to tell them apart from a normal cable?
While a green piece of tape is a good idea, you should actually label each cable with, "Use only with the Parallax S3 robot".
You might also want to collect all the S3 cables at the end of class to keep them together.
I'm sure the USB cable shipped with the S3 is not proprietary. There are "charge only" cables that do not have signals on pins that look the same.