Generating spread-spectrum (DSSS) signals
in Propeller 1
I had play with using the video generator to directly generate binary-phase-shift spread-spectrum signal.
My thought was to switch between sending $55555555 and $AAAAAAAA to the video hardware (running at 80MHz clock, so 40MHz carrier
with 2.5MHz chip-rate.
So the basic step is:
allowing stepping through my 32 long chip table (1024 random bits but with zero disparity), and modulating from a bitstream at about 2.4kbaud.
I used a single long repeated as my bitstream, so about 13ms before the stream repeats, ie 76Hz or so.
Spectrum analyzer traces show the overall modulation envelope, and zoomed right in the 76Hz spaced carriers due
to the repetition rate, pretty clean (owing to the power-of-two FRQA setting of $10000000.

(I'd like to add a low-Q bandpass filter to this of course)

I've also played with baseband generation of the chips, which has the potential to be more insensitive to
PLL not being a power-of-two - the time-domain jitter ought to be less serious, allowing a receiver to vary its
PLL ratio to search for the correlation and then phase lock to the transmitter.
Using differential output PLL mode would be able to directly drive a balanced mixer for upconversion and
demodulation I think.
I've read a bit on Gold codes too, perhaps something to tie in to the chip generation.
My thought was to switch between sending $55555555 and $AAAAAAAA to the video hardware (running at 80MHz clock, so 40MHz carrier
with 2.5MHz chip-rate.
So the basic step is:
rcl chip, #1 wc
if_c mov patt, HAAAAAAAA
if_nc mov patt, H55555555
WAITVID colour, patt
With 8 instructions per chip at these rates, and waitvid taking 7 cycles minimum I think, that leaves room for 3 more instructions per chip,allowing stepping through my 32 long chip table (1024 random bits but with zero disparity), and modulating from a bitstream at about 2.4kbaud.
I used a single long repeated as my bitstream, so about 13ms before the stream repeats, ie 76Hz or so.
Spectrum analyzer traces show the overall modulation envelope, and zoomed right in the 76Hz spaced carriers due
to the repetition rate, pretty clean (owing to the power-of-two FRQA setting of $10000000.

(I'd like to add a low-Q bandpass filter to this of course)

I've also played with baseband generation of the chips, which has the potential to be more insensitive to
PLL not being a power-of-two - the time-domain jitter ought to be less serious, allowing a receiver to vary its
PLL ratio to search for the correlation and then phase lock to the transmitter.
Using differential output PLL mode would be able to directly drive a balanced mixer for upconversion and
demodulation I think.
I've read a bit on Gold codes too, perhaps something to tie in to the chip generation.
I suppose I could do the decoding logic for baseband, and mix the output down using a 612
(avoids clock-discovery, but still needs correlation search in the receiving cog. It could vary
the LO frequency to do this which would test if the non-power-of-two PLL output is an issue
for this kind of modulation.
can do XOR mode, ie count the correlation values for you, so perhaps using counter A in PLL mode to generate
the chips and feeding that to one of the pins for counter B which runs in mode %10110, and the limited/schmitt-triggered
RF input to the other pin for counter B, means the counts for B can be sampled regularly to assess correlation values.
I presume there's no issue having one counter's output pin used as an input pin for the other counter?
Take a look at my AM radio thread for some ideas about using counters in correlation assessment:
By using both I and Q mixers, their outputs can be used for nearly any kind of demodulation scheme.
Was hoping for more attenuation at higher frequencies than 40dB though, but I think this sort of circuit done on a breadboard isn't ideal - there's scope for an RC stage as well.
The idea is to put the low-pass filtered baseband spread-spectrum signal direct into a 612 active mixer (which only needs
50 to 100mV or similar levels).
The broadcast mode part of the video generator switches between 2 values at the carrier frequency. It is able to generate a carrier with a peak to peak amplitude between 7 and 0 using a 3 bit DAC. That's great for AM, but useless for PSK or DSSS. But, don't give up yet. By using only bits 1 and 0 it is possible to reverse the phase of the carrier. The number of possible amplitudes is reduced from 8 to 4, but you gain the capability to apply a 180 degree phase shift. Or use only colors 2 and 4 to generate a differential BPSK / DSSS signal.
Color BC+ BC- 2lsb+ 2lsb- difference 0 7 0 3 0 3 1 6 0 2 0 2 2 6 1 2 1 1 differential + 3 5 1 1 1 0 4 5 2 1 2 -1 differential - 5 4 2 0 2 -2 6 4 3 0 3 -3 7 3 3 3 3 0
the Prop manual seems to gloss over the details - do you have the video register settings for the above
noise generation using resistor-based digital filtering inspired by an example in The Art of Electronics).
The alternative way to filter a bitstream to the LC-filter mentioned above is digital filtering. The resistor
based method involves shifting the bits along a register that is written to OUTA on every step. A set of
resistors whose conductance represents the coefficients of a FIR filter go from the pins to an opamp current
summing junction at mid-rail.
There is a trick for when the FIR filter is even-symmetric, you can shift the bits down one register, then up
another, then combine them to set both DIRA and OUTA (where the bits are the same set pin as output, where
different, set to input - this sums the two bits in the two registers via one pin and the opamp).
The negative coefficients can be done either:
1) With a separate current summing junction and a differential amp to combine the signals
2) By inverting a copy of the shift registers in the relevant positions before outputing to OUTA.
Anyway digital filtering can be done in code too - which is where I'm going with this posting. In my example
code I oversamp by a factor of 5 - so 5 values are output per bit in the bitstream. I use a separate cog for each,
running interleaved in time, each getting the bit stream from a prop pin (generated by another cog in fact).
My FIR filter is a raised-cosine one with 31 coefficients. Raised cosine filter gives zero inter-symbol interference
as the zero coefficients fall on the neighbouring bits (ie +/-5, +/-10, +/-15 from the centre coefficient.
To avoid sin(x)/x roll-off in the response the bit stream value is sampled every 5 steps, effectively as a +1 or
-1 value, and is zero inbetween. 1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1...
Conveniently zero values don't need to be summed in the filter, so across the 31 coefficients only 6 need to
calculated per step (it would be 7 but the 0th and 30th coefficients happen to be zero anyway)
So the PASM loop basically sums 6 coefficients, then modifies those instructions to move on for the next
bit coming in - the instructions are either ADD or SUB according to the bit.
loop mov t, #0 ' 25 instructions (100 cycles) - with 5 cogs outputs a sample every 5 instructions ins0 add t, coeff0 ins1 add t, coeff5 ins2 add t, coeff10 ins3 add t, coeff15 ins4 add t, coeff20 ins5 add t, coeff25 sar t, #15 ' scale output for OUTA[0:15] add t, H8000 ' offset for DAC mov OUTA, t ' this cog drives OUTA mov ins5, ins4 ' move the instructions down and skip 5 coefficients add ins5, #5 mov ins4, ins3 add ins4, #5 mov OUTA, #0 ' let other cogs control OUTA after 5 instructions mov ins3, ins2 add ins3, #5 mov ins2, ins1 add ins2, #5 mov ins1, ins0 add ins1, #5 mov t, INA ' get next bit test t, databit wc muxc ins0, subbit ' change instruction to ADD or SUB jmp #loop subbit long %000001_0000_0000_000000000_000000000
Note that setup code updates the ins0 to ins5 instructions depending on which cog number, so theypoint to the right starting coefficients for that cog.
The coefficient table being:
coeff0 long 0 long 10546116 long 21264445 long 26204153 long 19797545 coeff5 long 0 long -29221935 long -57451487 long -70177001 long -53550414 coeff10 long 0 long 87491351 long 194391085 long 297740106 long 372646509 coeff15 long 400000000 long 372646509 long 297740106 long 194391085 long 87491351 coeff20 long 0 long -53550414 long -70177001 long -57451487 long -29221935 coeff25 long 0 long 19797545 long 26204153 long 21264445 long 10546116 coeff30 long 0
Spectrum (via a crude 8 bit R-2R ladder DAC):The nyquist frequency being 4MHz, for 5 instruction write rate, and the signal rolling off at 400kHz (its 800kbaud)
This gives plenty of room for a simple analog filter to eliminate the aliases around 4MHz
Mixing up to RF would double the bandwidth to 800kHz of course.
2 (or more) copies of the coefficients table, and using incoming bits to both select which
table and whether an add or sub instruction.
I created a second table with values scaled to 1/3rd of the original. This gives the option
for 4 evenly spaced levels (3/3, 1/3, -1/3, -3/3) selected by 2 bits (2 prop pins). A few
more instructions are needed to set up the instructions, so the loop went from 25 instructions
to 30, ie each cog is responsible for driving the output for 24 cycles (300ns), giving a
sample rate of 3.33MSPS rather than 4MSPS. However 2 bits per symbol mean the bit
rate is 2/5*3.33 = 1.33Mb/s rather then 0.8Mb/s.
With a bit of persistence on the scope (triggered by one of the bit pins), the eye-pattern
is clearly visible:
Looking at the trace you can see the 15 sample delay between input bit and output response, as
well as comfirming that the trigger trace must be the bit selecting which table, not the one selecting
the sign.
Its pretty neat how the traces know to thread through the gaps between the eyes!
I've upgraded to a version that does 16 levels, encoding 4 bits per symbol (if this was doubled up on two channels it could generate a 256QAM signal given two RF mixers in quadrature). This produces a more complex eye-diagram as can be seen
Have fun...
(*) An R-2R ladder is what I'm using, cobbled together from a bunch of 2k2 16-pin DIP resistor packs
Baseband spectrum straight off the R-2R:
The sample rate is 3.333MSPS, the symbol rate is 20% of that, 667kHz, and the bit rate 4 times that at 2.667Mb/s. The
bandwidth of the baseband signal 333kHz+ a bit due to the raised-cosine filter not being a brick wall (I chose beta=0.33)