Motor Mount & Wheel Kit, HB-25 Motor Controller and 36-Position Quadrature Encoder
Hello Everyone
I'm currently working on a Robot project and we started to design it using the old version of the Motor Mount & Wheel Kit (#27971) with two old Position controllers (#29319). The two motors was managed by two HB-25 Motor Controllers (#29144) in dual-mode.
The old Position controllers had a "jumper set" for ID and was furnished with a command set (9 commands) as Query Position, Set Speed Maximum etc...
The thing is that for some reasons we had to move to the new version of the Motor Mount & Wheel Kit and the 36-Position Quadrature Encoder. We were surprised to see in the new datasheet that no more command was available and no more connection was possible between HB25 and the position controllers.
My question is : Is there any way to get back those commands which were making so easy the motor's management? It sounds like motors have to be individually managed...
How to interface the two HB25 with the Position controllers and the motors?
Thank you in advance for your help =D
PS: Here are all the coresponding datasheets:

I'm currently working on a Robot project and we started to design it using the old version of the Motor Mount & Wheel Kit (#27971) with two old Position controllers (#29319). The two motors was managed by two HB-25 Motor Controllers (#29144) in dual-mode.
The old Position controllers had a "jumper set" for ID and was furnished with a command set (9 commands) as Query Position, Set Speed Maximum etc...
The thing is that for some reasons we had to move to the new version of the Motor Mount & Wheel Kit and the 36-Position Quadrature Encoder. We were surprised to see in the new datasheet that no more command was available and no more connection was possible between HB25 and the position controllers.
My question is : Is there any way to get back those commands which were making so easy the motor's management? It sounds like motors have to be individually managed...
How to interface the two HB25 with the Position controllers and the motors?
Thank you in advance for your help =D
PS: Here are all the coresponding datasheets:
- Old Position controller : .................
- New Position cotroller : ..................
- HB-25 : ........................................
- New Motor Mount & Wheel Kit : .....
The new encoders are quadrature encoders and the output is the 2-bit Gray code. The old encoders were made to be friendly with the BASIC Stamp modules and other microcontrollers that could not easily read a quadrature output. However the current system is designed to support the Propeller chip and any microcontroller that can read the quadrature output in real time. There is no longer a microcontroller on the encoders to communicate with, however they do have a higher resolution.
Thank you for your help
I have some queries
I started working with a robot, but the encoders 27906 of the kit were damaged, is it possible that I can acquire these new encoders ?, or no longer make them?
I read that the replacement is the model 29321, could send me the wiring diagram of these encoders to be able to perform the change of encoders, because as I just read do not need to be connected to the HB-25, the code for the control of the tires Was developed in Arduino Mega 2560, is it possible to use the same code?
Should you be able to use the 27971 kit motor, place the new 29321 encoders and remove the HB-25 controller?
In order to test the 29321 encoders, after installing them, should I see the signal of sensors 1 and 2 on pins A and B through an oscilloscope?
Thank you in advance for your help
I have another appointment
Could you help me with the parallax 27906 connection diagram, where can I measure the quadrature signal on which pins?
thank you very much again