TFT Touchscreen for Basic Stamp 2
in BASIC Stamp
Does anyone know of any cheap touchscreens that can be coded and compatible with the Basic Stamp 2? The EZLCD is around $100-130. Has anyone been successful in porting the Nextion LCD to Basic Stamp 2? If so can you please share the code?
If you have to use a BS-2, you are apt to come to two limitations.
1) The BS-2 doesn't really have program or variable space to take advantage of a QVGA screen.
2) BS-2 has a fundamental problem issuing a command (SEROUT) and then turning around quickly enough to capture the result (SERIN) faster than about 4K baud. You can perhaps program the LCD to a slower baud rate, but you are really swimming against the current.
Just my opinion. Other people may have different advice.