in BASIC Stamp
Hello All,
After a few jumper wire's, trace cuts, and re-order of the correct size parts, my latest version of my 4 x 3 PCB has been up and running for 2 1/2 mths. The original software (5 yrs ago) is almost converted to the new layout with dual (Serial & Parallel LCD Screen) both actively displaying the same data added (Thanks Chris & Hal). One DLST short cut to save space in 2 FULL slots was completed while on vacation last week......OK GREAT!!!
Our Son came by before us and said that he stopped a beeping sound that was coming from my Unit Under Test (UUT). Closed the Magnetic Switch. I didn't think much of it at the time.
When I finally checked my OEM, the Serial LCD was blank but the Parallel Screen has all the data and is working (the board drives both Displays at the same time). The over all board appears to be working. But after several reboots and replacement of the Serial LCD, it is still blank. The I/O pin is connected directly to the Video pin. Voltage is good.
During Alarm the program turns the Back light 'ON' (more current draw). (I must have bumped the Magnetic Switch before leaving on vacation)
Can the (#BS2P40) handle the current draw from a Serial LCD with Backlight constantly on? It worked great for short periods of time, but it could of been on for 7 days constantly this time. I'm trying to find the I/O pin rating and have not found it yet.
1) Trying to find (#BS2P40) I/O pin rating. (maybe I just missed it...thanks)
2) Serial LCD Backlight 'ON', is (80ma)
PS: Will try and splice in an extra I/O pin for a temporary fix for now.....Good Data in the long run though.
Thanks again for any help.
After a few jumper wire's, trace cuts, and re-order of the correct size parts, my latest version of my 4 x 3 PCB has been up and running for 2 1/2 mths. The original software (5 yrs ago) is almost converted to the new layout with dual (Serial & Parallel LCD Screen) both actively displaying the same data added (Thanks Chris & Hal). One DLST short cut to save space in 2 FULL slots was completed while on vacation last week......OK GREAT!!!
Our Son came by before us and said that he stopped a beeping sound that was coming from my Unit Under Test (UUT). Closed the Magnetic Switch. I didn't think much of it at the time.
When I finally checked my OEM, the Serial LCD was blank but the Parallel Screen has all the data and is working (the board drives both Displays at the same time). The over all board appears to be working. But after several reboots and replacement of the Serial LCD, it is still blank. The I/O pin is connected directly to the Video pin. Voltage is good.
During Alarm the program turns the Back light 'ON' (more current draw). (I must have bumped the Magnetic Switch before leaving on vacation)
Can the (#BS2P40) handle the current draw from a Serial LCD with Backlight constantly on? It worked great for short periods of time, but it could of been on for 7 days constantly this time. I'm trying to find the I/O pin rating and have not found it yet.
1) Trying to find (#BS2P40) I/O pin rating. (maybe I just missed it...thanks)
2) Serial LCD Backlight 'ON', is (80ma)
PS: Will try and splice in an extra I/O pin for a temporary fix for now.....Good Data in the long run though.
Thanks again for any help.
All data to both LCD's was working great. Showing everything clear on the Serial LCD.
I must have bumped the Mag. Switch when shutting down the computer before vacation and there is a 10 min. delay before the Piezo would have sounded (alerting me) with the Backlight 'ON' and we were already gone.
I did find the spec. of the Interpreter Chip on the 40 pin Module Controller. I've learned (from here) that the Parallel Display's Back Light (LED) is totally separate from the LCD's voltage, but does the Serial LCD operate the same way?
1) Meaning, if the Back Light is 'ON', is there any increase Current draw from the 'V' pin of the Serial Display?
2) Do you think that a 220 ohm resistor would helped if I find that the Interpreter I/O pin is dead? (would be added on the next spin)
thanks for any help
PS: will Scope and splice/ jumper in extra I/O pin and tomorrow.
Where is the 'V' pin on the serial display?
On the Parallax Serial Display, there are 3 pins. GND, 5V and RX. The amount of current the 5V draws varies greatly depending on whether the backlight is on or not.
Thanks for the info
A serial LCD with a video pin...yeah, that can't be one of ours.
Software 98% done. Two of 8 slots 97% full and flowing well. Got the new PCB's in with corrected layout, "BUT".
I clicked on "Identify" from the Editor first and that came back with the proper Interpreter information (GREAT). But when I clicked "RUN" to download the code I get "Hardware Communication Error", I've never had that problem before. Did a search on the forum and could not find anything related.
Did go back and check my first OEM PCB and everything still working.
Any feedback or thoughts? Will start with my 104 CAPs and make sure they were not mixed up from my bin.
1) "Hardware Communication Error"....never had this error before...1st PCB still works
"Identify" works....
Changed input communication Caps. 0.1uF NO change. Turned around the Dual NPN, dead. Put new NPN, a programmed EEPROM from previous OEM and touched up some dull looking pins on the Interpreter and "Whal-la".
It's up and running.
Not sure what it was, but my GUESS was the pins on the Interpreter....will try and duplicate on next unit.
will up date later
That's good news! Thanks for the update.