2pe MOBO with tsl1401 line scan cammera
in BASIC Stamp
I am new to the Basic stamp so any help is appreciated. I have a 2pe MOBO and a TSL1401 line scan camera. I would like to capture the grayscale data on the PC's serial port. I have the "tsl1401_template.bpe" program running with this code running in program section.
' Your program code goes here.
pixno VAR Byte
char VAR Byte(16)
OWOUT owio, 0, [ACQGRAY]
FOR pixno = 0 TO 7
OWIN owio, 8, [STR char\16]
SEROUT 16, 6, [STR char\16]
When I go to the terminal program the data looks unusable. I have the baud set to 38400. What else do I need to do ?
Dan H.
I am new to the Basic stamp so any help is appreciated. I have a 2pe MOBO and a TSL1401 line scan camera. I would like to capture the grayscale data on the PC's serial port. I have the "tsl1401_template.bpe" program running with this code running in program section.
' Your program code goes here.
pixno VAR Byte
char VAR Byte(16)
OWOUT owio, 0, [ACQGRAY]
FOR pixno = 0 TO 7
OWIN owio, 8, [STR char\16]
SEROUT 16, 6, [STR char\16]
When I go to the terminal program the data looks unusable. I have the baud set to 38400. What else do I need to do ?
Dan H.
' ========================================================================= ' ' File...... tsl1401_dump_gray.bpe ' Purpose... Dump pixel values from the TSL1401-DB using the MoBoStamp-pe. ' Author.... Phil Pilgrim ' E-mail.... propeller@phipi.com ' Started... 22 Dec 2010 ' Updated... ' ' {$STAMP BS2pe} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ========================================================================= ' -----[ Program Description ]--------------------------------------------- ' This program dumps analog pixel values from the TSL1401-DB via the ' TSL1401.hex firmware for the MoBo's AVR coprocessor. ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- owio PIN 6 'Pin for OWIN and OWOUT to AVR coprocessor. ' -----[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- ' Commands SETLED CON $EB 'Set LED strobe and brightness/time from next byte. 'Flag to OR to brightness/time (0 - 127) value. TIME CON $80 'Set strobe: value (0 - 127) is 0 - 3.4mS at 100% on. INTEN CON $00 'Set intensity: value (0 - 127) is 0 - 49.6% on. SETBIN CON $EC 'Set threshold, hysteresis, and filter (3 bytes). 'Filter flags. FLOAT CON $80 'Threshold is floating per filter value (0 - 7). FIXED CON $00 'Threshold is fixed. WINDOW CON $40 'Threshold is a window (outside of hysteresis band). LEVEL CON $00 'Threshold is a level with hysteresis. SETEXP CON $EE 'Set exposure to byte (1 - 255) following: 0.27 - 68mS. ACQGRAY CON $A0 'Acquire and dump a grayscale image. ACQBIN CON $A4 'Acquire a binary image. ACQAND CON $A1 'Acquire binary image ANDed w/ previous. ACQOR CON $A2 'Acquire binary image ORed w/ previous. ACQXOR CON $A3 'Acquire binary image XORed w/ previous. ACQANDNOT CON $A5 'Acquire binary image ANDed w/ NOT prev. ACQORNOT CON $A6 'Acquire binary image ORed w/ NOT prev. ACQXORNOT CON $A7 'Acquire binary image XORed w/ NOT prev. ACQDIFF CON $A3 'Idiom for ACQXOR. ACQSAME CON $A7 'Idiom for ACQXORNOT. XTRIG CON $08 'External trigger flag, ORed to ACQ commands. CNTNEW CON $C8 'Count pixels/edges between new bounds. CNTNXT CON $C0 'Count pixels/edges between current bounds. FNDNEW CON $F8 'Find first pixel/edge between new bounds. FNDNXT CON $F0 'Find first pixel/edge between current bounds. 'Modifiers, ORed to CNTNEW, CNTNXT, FNDNEW, and FNDNXT. NXT CON $00 'Continue from where last CNT or FND left off. BKWD CON $04 'Search backward. FWD CON $00 'Search forward. DRKPIX CON $00 'Target is a dark pixel. BRTPIX CON $02 'Target is a bright pixel. DRKEDG CON $03 'Target is a bright-to-dark edge. BRTEDG CON $01 'Target is a dark-to-bright edge. DUMPADR CON $DA 'Dump data, beginning at addr, and until reset. 'Address constants for single byte arg following DUMPADR. PIXELS CON $00 'Beginning of binary pixel buffer (32 bytes). RESULTS CON $20 'Beginning of results buffer. MINPIX CON $20 'Value of darkest pixel (0 - 255). MINLOC CON $21 'Location of darkest pixel (0 - 127). MAXPIX CON $22 'Value of brightest pixel (0 - 255). MAXLOC CON $23 'Location of brightest pixel (0 - 127). AVGPIX CON $24 'Average pixel value (0 - 255). DUMPID CON $DD 'Dump the firmware ID (returns 3 bytes). DUMPFLAGS CON $DF 'Dump error flags (returns 1 byte). 'Bit positions in returned byte. BADCMD CON $80 'Unrecognized command. CANTBUF CON $40 'Attempt to buffer unbufferable command. CMDOVF CON $20 'Command buffer overflow. DATOVF CON $10 'Result data buffer overflow. ' -----[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- flags VAR Byte busy VAR Bit ' -----[ Initialization ]-------------------------------------------------- PAUSE 10 'Wait for AVR to finish reset. ' -----[ Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------- EXPTIME CON 60 i VAR Byte j VAR Byte char VAR Byte(16) DO OWOUT owio, 1, [SETEXP, EXPTIME, ACQGRAY] GOSUB Ready FOR i = 0 TO 7 OWIN owio, 8, [STR char\16] FOR j = 0 TO 15 PUT i << 4 + j, char(j) NEXT NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 127 GET i, char IF (i = 127) THEN DEBUG DEC char(15), 13, 13 ELSE DEBUG DEC char, "," ENDIF NEXT LOOP END ' -----[ Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------- ' -----[ Ready ]----------------------------------------------------------- ' Wait for the driver to become not busy. Ready: DO OWIN owio, 4, [busy] 'Read busy bit. LOOP WHILE busy 'Keep checking until it goes low. RETURN ' -----[ GetError ]-------------------------------------------------------- ' Read the error flags from the driver. GetError: OWOUT owio, 0, [DUMPFLAGS] 'Read the error flags. OWIN owio, 0, [flags] IF (flags = $FF) THEN 'If $FF, driver is waiting for a reset. OWOUT owio, 1, [DUMPFLAGS] 'So reset and try again. OWIN owio, 0, [flags] ENDIF RETURN
Sum(pixel location * pixel intensity)/sum(pixel intensity)
I can do this easily on the PC after the data is parsed and placed in arrays, but I see you have lots of functions built in to the firmware to work with the binary data. Is this calculation easy to do with your builtin functions and do you think it would be faster than doing it on the PC.
Thanks again for your fast response!
Dan H.