New method of attaching a BS1 board to a development location

in BASIC Stamp
Those of you who routinely read and comment on my musings, know about Tinkersphere, who is a small to medium sized store in the SOHO area of Manhattan. It turns out that they sell a style of jumper who can be used to connect to the pins shown on the original BS1 Carrier board.
This is "Male to Female Jumper Wires (10 pack)"
And ideally it will do the same as my original idea.
Strange no robots here.
Those of you who routinely read and comment on my musings, know about Tinkersphere, who is a small to medium sized store in the SOHO area of Manhattan. It turns out that they sell a style of jumper who can be used to connect to the pins shown on the original BS1 Carrier board.
This is "Male to Female Jumper Wires (10 pack)"
And ideally it will do the same as my original idea.
Strange no robots here.
But I found them first at Tinkersphere. However I am indeed using a batch of the three-wire ones for the LCD displays that live here.
Strange no robots here. Also no cave here.
Well I must be doing something (else) right regarding the whole business. After the usual fun and games concerning the all important method of powering the BS1 Stamp, in this case double checking that I had the wires from the battery box containing a 9V battery, properly wired. A shout out goes to Mike Green, with double the marks, for confirming that the red and black leads from the clip need to be reversed when being connected in this style.
Anyway I connected my switch enabled connector harness originally wired for a version of the home work board, to another snap connector. The connector was part of this thing there, ordered it for the pesky board next door, but it works here:
Arduino Battery Adapter 9V
It was plugged into this thing:
Female DC Jack Adapter with Screw Terminals: 5.5x2.1mm
Attached to the screw terminals was a black adaptaplug from RS, which is plugged into an extension cable, the same firm sold for a while. The polarity on it is reversed accordingly.
At the other end wearing a white adaptaplug also from RS is a 9V battery box from Tinkersphere (Because RS never had it in stock locally. And even Adafruit wanted a strange amount of money for it, a firm in Texas wanted a strange amount as well.)
Enclosed 9V Battery Holder with On/Off Switch
Currently it is running the code from the LCD displays.
' ========================================================================= ' ' File...... Serial_LCD_Demo.BS1 ' Purpose... Basic Serial LCD use, including customer characters ' Author.... (c) Parallax, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved ' E-mail.... ' Started... ' Updated... 11 FEB 2005 ' ' {$STAMP BS1} ' {$PBASIC 1.0} ' ' ========================================================================= ' -----[ Program Description ]--------------------------------------------- ' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------ ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL TX = 0 ' serial output to LCD ' -----[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL LcdBkSpc = $08 ' move cursor left SYMBOL LcdRt = $09 ' move cursor right SYMBOL LcdLF = $0A ' move cursor down 1 line SYMBOL LcdCls = $0C ' clear LCD (use PAUSE 5 after) SYMBOL LcdCR = $0D ' move pos 0 of next line SYMBOL LcdBLon = $11 ' turn backlight on SYMBOL LcdBLoff = $12 ' turn backlight off SYMBOL LcdOff = $15 ' LCD off SYMBOL LcdOn1 = $16 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink off SYMBOL LcdOn2 = $17 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink on SYMBOL LcdOn3 = $18 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink off SYMBOL LcdOn4 = $19 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink on SYMBOL LcdLine1 = $80 ' move to line 1, column 0 SYMBOL LcdLine2 = $94 ' move to line 2, column 0 SYMBOL LcdCC0 = $F8 ' define custom char 0 SYMBOL LcdCC1 = $F9 ' define custom char 1 SYMBOL LcdCC2 = $FA ' define custom char 2 SYMBOL LcdCC3 = $FB ' define custom char 3 SYMBOL LcdCC4 = $FC ' define custom char 4 SYMBOL LcdCC5 = $FD ' define custom char 5 SYMBOL LcdCC6 = $FE ' define custom char 6 SYMBOL LcdCC7 = $FF ' define custom char 7 ' -----[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL idx1 = B2 ' loop counter SYMBOL idx2 = B3 SYMBOL char = B4 ' characters for display SYMBOL newChar = B5 SYMBOL pntr = B6 ' eeprom pointer SYMBOL pos = B7 ' position ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]----------------------------------------------------- Custom_Chars: EEPROM (LcdCC0, $0E, $1F, $1C, $18, $1C, $1F, $0E, $00) EEPROM (LcdCC1, $0E, $1F, $1F, $18, $1F, $1F, $0E, $00) EEPROM (LcdCC2, $0E, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $0E, $00) EEPROM (LcdCC3, $00, $0A, $0A, $00, $11, $0E, $06, $00) Msg2: EEPROM ("IS VERY COOL! ", 3) ' -----[ Initialization ]-------------------------------------------------- Reset: HIGH TX ' setup serial output pin PAUSE 100 ' allow LCD to initialize DnLoad_Custom_Chars: FOR idx1 = 0 TO 35 ' download 4 characters READ idx1, char ' get data from table SEROUT TX, T2400, (char) ' send to LCD NEXT ' -----[ Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------- ' Clear the display and remove cursor and blinking attributes. Main: SEROUT TX, T2400, (LcdBLoff, LcdOn1, LcdCls) PAUSE 250 SEROUT TX, T2400, ("THE BASIC STAMP") ' Scroll "chomper" animation across LCD line 2 Animation: FOR idx1 = 0 TO 15 ' scroll across line pntr = 36 + idx1 ' point to new character READ pntr, newChar ' read it FOR idx2 = 0 TO 4 ' animate current position LOOKUP idx2, (0, 1, 2, 1, newChar), char pos = LcdLine2 + idx1 SEROUT TX, T2400, (pos, char) ' put current frame at position PAUSE 75 NEXT NEXT ' Flash LCD backlight (works only with backlit model) Flash: FOR idx1 = 1 TO 4 SEROUT TX, T2400, (LcdBLon) PAUSE 750 SEROUT TX, T2400, (LcdBLoff) PAUSE 250 NEXT GOTO Main END ' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
Strange no robots here. Also no cave here.
It shows the board now wearing a small breadboard and the wiring needed to make it work. Following this will be the attachment of the harness for the calculator.
Calculator harness works. But sending the output to the display does, but not the way I wanted. However inserting the directive to insert a CR after the variable causes an odd tokenization error.
' {$STAMP BS1} ' {$PBASIC 1.0} SYMBOL serData = B2 ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL TX = 0 ' serial output to LCD ' -----[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL LcdBkSpc = $08 ' move cursor left SYMBOL LcdRt = $09 ' move cursor right SYMBOL LcdLF = $0A ' move cursor down 1 line SYMBOL LcdCls = $0C ' clear LCD (use PAUSE 5 after) SYMBOL LcdCR = $0D ' move pos 0 of next line SYMBOL LcdBLon = $11 ' turn backlight on SYMBOL LcdBLoff = $12 ' turn backlight off SYMBOL LcdOff = $15 ' LCD off SYMBOL LcdOn1 = $16 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink off SYMBOL LcdOn2 = $17 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink on SYMBOL LcdOn3 = $18 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink off SYMBOL LcdOn4 = $19 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink on SYMBOL LcdLine1 = $80 ' move to line 1, column 0 SYMBOL LcdLine2 = $94 ' move to line 2, column 0 Reset: HIGH TX ' setup serial output pin PAUSE 100 ' allow LCD to initialize Main: SEROUT TX, T2400, (LcdBLoff, LcdOn1) PAUSE 250 'DEBUG serData SERIN 7, T2400, serData 'DEBUG serData serData = serData + 1 'DEBUG serDATA SEROUT 7, T2400, (serData) SEROUT TX,T2400, (#serData) 'SEROUT TX,T2400, (#serData, CR) 'PAUSE 500 'DEBUG serDATA 'SEROUT TX, T2400, (LcdCls) GOTO Main
That's the original Stamp1 translation from the Stamp2 code that was presented to us not too long ago. The Stamp2 code works of course sending to the display. I've simply stuck in the stuff needed, or so I thought.
What I wanted was to have the thing present the debug data on one line, take a carriage return, and then do it again. That's the second line there, with the serial out to 0 command coding. It's commented out because of that error.
Strange no robots here. Also no cave here.