P2 FPGA for De0-Nano, BeMicroCV, BeMicroCVA9

in Propeller 2
As soon as the dust settles, any chance of a BeMicro CV or CVA9 image?
IIRC you needed some pinout maps to the FPGA. Below is a pic of the connectors and their FPGA pins. Attached is an Excel spreadsheet with the pinouts in case this helps.
Could someone please check in case of errors.

As soon as the dust settles, any chance of a BeMicro CV or CVA9 image?
IIRC you needed some pinout maps to the FPGA. Below is a pic of the connectors and their FPGA pins. Attached is an Excel spreadsheet with the pinouts in case this helps.
Could someone please check in case of errors.

It's right here:
All we really need are the P0..P63 and RESn. And we'd need a PropPlug connector to go onto RESn, P62, and P63.
The De0-Nano would also fit this pinout too but be careful of the different power pins for the left connector.
What do you guys think???
Was already working on them.. Is this what you need?
Would you like me to make them individually and remove the LEDs, SDRAM, etc?
What you make, I will compile. We'll need a clock input, too. There should be an oscillator on those boards that sends 50MHz (hopefully) into some FPGA clock input pin.
Sorry, didn't get a chance to finish tonight. Will be out all day tomorrow so will finish it Friday.
IIRC there is only a 24MHz clock on the CV's.
Hopefully this is all you require.
Note the 50MHz clock is the DDR3 clock and is at 1.8V for both the BeMicroCV & BeMicroCVA9.
The other 50MHz clock for the BeMicroCV is not fitted.
There is a 24MHz clock for both the BeMicroCV & BeMicroCVA9.
I didn't know what to do with the other clock_in_out, etc.
There are a few holes for unused Pxx pins.
The LEDs are on P8-P15, switches on P16-P21, microSD on P24-P29, etc, as per the diagram a few posts back.
I can only test the BeMicroCV currently. There is no urgency - we are off to the UK on Monday although I will be taking the boards with me
FYI I've had P1v's running on both boards using H13 as 50MHz clock source, works OK.
Those look good. When I do the next release, I will incorporate both of these boards, too. I have a BeMicro CV (A2) here, but not an A9, so you will have to see if it actually works. Thanks for putting all this together.
No worries Chip.
Peter J sent me a BeMicro CV-A9 and it arrived today. So I will take that with me to the UK
Excellent news. The 24MHz is on M9 for both boards.
Why is the 24MHz input so great, if there's already a 50MHz input? Maybe you want to go to 96MHz?
However what concerned me was that the 50MHz is only at 1.8V because it is used with the DDR3 SDRAM. The 24MHz is at 2.5V or 3.3V.
If that 50MHz signal goes into an FPGA pin, that pin must be powered by 1.8V, too, according the PCB layout. That's what I think must be, anyway.
Here's a P1V image for you to exercise the CV-A9 board.
See picture and pinout assignment for propplug location.
Should identify in Prop-tool as Version 9.
Let me know if you need the source and I will post that too.
BeMicro CV-A9 is alive and kicking !!!
(Somehow I omitted to post this info a couple of weeks ago)
? Findchips shows 34 in stock at Chip1Stop, and Arrow have it on backorder ?
And chip1Stop... never heard about them
I never understood how they could sell a board for $149 that featured a $230 chip. To make that deal viable, they must have been paying no more than $80 for the -A9.
And I am sure they were not paying more than $80 !!!
Altera are artificially keeping normal prices inflated. It is up to individual negotiation direct with Altera to get decent prices.
I have seen this kind of monopolistic behaviour before. As a manufacturer of some products in largish volumes for Australia, we were not able to buy the chip sets from the manufacturer for anything like what we could buy completed product for including case and our branding and packaging direct from Taiwan and China.