Happy Pi Day 3.14.16

Sorry Tau lovers, but it's party time. http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson335.shtml
The RasPi guys must be whooping it up today.
The RasPi guys must be whooping it up today.
Besides π is the wrong number we should celebrate τ day.
And what about e day?
I only today realized it's Albert Einstein birthday. Which is how all this sillyness came about.
Happy birthday Albert. And thanks for all the headaches
I'm off to the shops to get some pie...
No moaning this side of the pond. We're partying because we got the format right and this is the year. But Tau day, seriously? Do you really want to wait 16 years for 6.28.32?
Too risky to wait that long IMO. At my age, I don't even buy green bananas.
3.14.15 is so last year.
Yes, but if you are going to give Pi to 5 significant digits the last of them had better be 6. That is more accurate.
Beside one always has to round off Pi, what with it's infinite number of seemingly random digits.
What can I say, I'm a rational guy!
Which reminds me, erco how did all of your robots get there to join in the fun?
Less than a month to PI DAY!
Nothing to match your restaurant receipt but last year I began a practice of walking every day. I picked out a random route through the neighborhood and have repeated it every day for the past eight months - gives me time to think. You would just take a bike, but you're a faster thinker.
One day I brought the Garmin eTrex along to find out the path's length. As you've already guessed, doorstep to doorstep it was 3.14 miles. Might mention that over time the pie walk has become a cake walk.
I love your circular logic!
Might be time for the "other camp" to throw in the Tau-el.
Body is required. I cannot delete this.
Well, ok, you cannot have Pi with out i.
You also cannot have an i without pi.
Awesome, erco. Hope you're doing well.