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A suggestion for a future BASIC Stamp - Page 4 — Parallax Forums

A suggestion for a future BASIC Stamp



  • brucee wrote: »
    David- sent you a PM about a Tcl version to download. I have had Tcl versions of the terminal program running for a long time, and will look into using that as terminal/download program until QtSerial seems more stable to me, and I may try Parallax's latest version just to see if they talk to each other.
    Thanks! I still have to sort out whether I need to reflash the firmware. It seems odd that I can't talk to the module even using minicom under Linux. I think you've been able to do that.

  • To refresh firmware, disconnect module from USB port

    Short pins 3 and 4, plug back into USB

    on a PC it will show up as a disk drive with firmware.bin on it. Delete that file, copy C:/Cbasic/BASIC.bin to it.

    Remove the short, and remove from USB and then reconnect
  • brucee wrote: »
    To refresh firmware, disconnect module from USB port

    Short pins 3 and 4, plug back into USB

    on a PC it will show up as a disk drive with firmware.bin on it. Delete that file, copy C:/Cbasic/BASIC.bin to it.

    Remove the short, and remove from USB and then reconnect
    Should I rename BASIC.bin to firmware.bin before copying it to the module? I tried just deleting firmware.bin and writing examples/BASIC.bin to the module but now the blue LED doesn't even light when I plug the module into a USB port.

  • bruceebrucee Posts: 239
    edited 2016-01-25 03:26
    You downloaded Cbasic before I added that to the image, It should be in the /Cbasic directory. I will load it to in a few minutes
  • The file is there now, and I checked by loading it onto a board, no need to rename it, and it disappears as a file once downloaded and rebooted
  • After scratching my head for a bit, there may be a way to semi-brick the part, and that may be what you are seeing. The symptom would be the serial port is not identifying as a USB device. Not sure that is what you are seeing.

    Anyway I have updated the file with a new BASIC.bin firmware file and this should eliminate this one possible issue.

    So download the the tools and replace the firmware file as outlined above.

    Sorry, this is what beta testing is for and this is a part we have not used before
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2016-01-26 21:58
    I tried copying BASIC.bin to the module. I see the /dev/ttyACM0 device when I plug it into my Linux box but I don't see anything after typing a few ^C characters in minicom. This is with minicom set to 115200 baud, 8N1. Do I need to do anything with DTR or RTS? In fact, it seems to lock up minicom.
  • bruceebrucee Posts: 239
    edited 2016-01-27 05:05
    The baud rate and other settings are ignored on the USB serial.

    I think minicom is filtering controlC, question mark should dump a bunch of 4 digit hex numbers or at sign followed by zero should show 9 hex numbers
  • I have put up a TclTk based terminal program that I have working on WIn10, Linux, and Mac on an FTDI based USB serial link, and works on Win10 and Linux with the mbed serial device used in this ARMstamp.

    If you can't get this to talk to you, then there must be something wrong with that PCB, I can send another if you still have any cycles to spend on it.

    To run on Linux/Mac -- wish TclTerm.tcl

    As it stands this won't fit into the Qt PropIDE, but that can be changed. I have had much better luck with TclTk, and now there is a version for Android, might have to look into that.
  • brucee wrote: »
    I have put up a TclTk based terminal program that I have working on WIn10, Linux, and Mac on an FTDI based USB serial link, and works on Win10 and Linux with the mbed serial device used in this ARMstamp.

    If you can't get this to talk to you, then there must be something wrong with that PCB, I can send another if you still have any cycles to spend on it.

    To run on Linux/Mac -- wish TclTerm.tcl

    As it stands this won't fit into the Qt PropIDE, but that can be changed. I have had much better luck with TclTk, and now there is a version for Android, might have to look into that.
    Thanks! I'll try to test this tomorrow. My Windows machines are all in the basement. I mostly use a Mac.

  • I wasn't following this whole topic, but if you guys were having issues with the PropellerIDE serial terminal, I recommend that you guys try the latest PropellerIDE. I've rewritten large parts of PropellerManager and the terminal now cleanly switches devices and supports custom baud rates tested up to 921600 baud.
  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,671
    edited 2016-02-12 02:28
    brucee wrote: »
    I have put up a TclTk based terminal program that I have working on WIn10, Linux, and Mac on an FTDI based USB serial link, and works on Win10 and Linux with the mbed serial device used in this ARMstamp.

    If you can't get this to talk to you, then there must be something wrong with that PCB, I can send another if you still have any cycles to spend on it.

    To run on Linux/Mac -- wish TclTerm.tcl

    As it stands this won't fit into the Qt PropIDE, but that can be changed. I have had much better luck with TclTk, and now there is a version for Android, might have to look into that.

    If you add the following line to the top of TclTerm.tcl, and then run "chmod +x TclTerm.tcl", you won't have to put "wish" in front when you run it:
    #!/usr/bin/env wish
    Doing this would make the OS see it as a real executable and not just a text file, so that you could double click on it from a GUI file browser, or put it in your $PATH and just type in "TclTerm.tcl", and it would run.

    Also, when I pushed File -> Edit Typing and it wanted me to select a text editor, I couldn't, since it insisted that the editor's name ended in .exe, .bat, or .com, when Unix executables don't have any extension. (It then defaulted to gedit, which I don't have on my computer.)
  • icepuckicepuck Posts: 466
    edited 2016-02-12 16:07
    We're four pages into this conversation and there is one question that has yet be asked.... WHICH version of the Bs2 is going to be replaced?

    2nd... if this is going to be used by instructors/educators then there is no question that it WILL be 5 volts AND pin compatible with what ever bs2 that it replaces.

    Then this brings up programming languages. Is this going to be some form of pbasic or something totally new? Maybe pbasic3.0?
  • Why replace any BS2 at all, they can stay on the price list for people that have designed them in.

    Just seems to me it is time to update the line after 20 years.
  • bruceebrucee Posts: 239
    edited 2016-02-13 22:18
    thanks Electrodude

    You got me to dig a bit more into the TclTerm utility on Linux, so it lets you select your favorite text editor, at least it works to switch to vim now. That file has been updated.

    Have you got any words of wisdom for a way to print a text file. There was no good way to do in Windows that allowed a GUI choice of printers, so we resorted to a Delphi program for that. Maybe there is such a Tcl thing, just haven't searched hard enough for it.

    PS -- still have a couple prototypes of these boards to give away.
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