"BASIC stamp" as a BASIC interpreter for homebrew "retro" computers
in BASIC Stamp
Sorry in advance - if the discussion has/had already been then please lead me to the URL.
The question is:
Is it possible to use/utilityse "BASIC stamp" as an external general-purpose BASIC interpreter for a newly constacted "retro"-computer?
To be clear - I'm in process of designing Z80-based CP/M computer for myself. No compatibility is required, but it would be interesting to use an external BASIC machine instead of waste Z80 address space.
The idea is to let a user to enter a BASIC program, send it off from the Z80, receive the results and display that results at Z80-computer console for the user (some kind of external BASIC-processor).
The goal is to eliminate the need to adapt retro-BASICs to my architecture.
Is it possible to load BASIC programs in a RAM to be accessible by BASICstamp?
If yes, is it possible to forbid non-allpurpose directives of the language?
Regards, Vladislav
The question is:
Is it possible to use/utilityse "BASIC stamp" as an external general-purpose BASIC interpreter for a newly constacted "retro"-computer?
To be clear - I'm in process of designing Z80-based CP/M computer for myself. No compatibility is required, but it would be interesting to use an external BASIC machine instead of waste Z80 address space.
The idea is to let a user to enter a BASIC program, send it off from the Z80, receive the results and display that results at Z80-computer console for the user (some kind of external BASIC-processor).
The goal is to eliminate the need to adapt retro-BASICs to my architecture.
Is it possible to load BASIC programs in a RAM to be accessible by BASICstamp?
If yes, is it possible to forbid non-allpurpose directives of the language?
Regards, Vladislav
There are some great compilers and interpreters available for the Z80 under CP/M. You can create very sizable Basic programs in the standard 64K of RAM.
Have you looked at Cluso99's RAMBlade module and the ZiCog Z80 interpreter? This is a tiny module that has a Propeller along with 512K of RAM and an SD card socket. It runs CP/M at nearly hardware speed with files on the SD card used to emulate multiple floppy and/or hard disk drives.