Activity Bot & servos

Hello all, noobie going through tutorials > actually all is going well > except:example in basic navigation > forward Stop Face Right.side = program does what it's supposed to, except when I put it on the floor in pos #2 it keeps going over & over
Question: 1.Why does the program execute more than once? did it somehow get loaded to eeprom multiple times? (reset doesn't seem t matter)
2. been looking at post on 'clearing eeprom' but eeprom is over-written each time you upload to eeprom isn't it?,it shouldn't need clearing then, right?
Thanks in advance for any help....
Question: 1.Why does the program execute more than once? did it somehow get loaded to eeprom multiple times? (reset doesn't seem t matter)
2. been looking at post on 'clearing eeprom' but eeprom is over-written each time you upload to eeprom isn't it?,it shouldn't need clearing then, right?
Thanks in advance for any help....
If you add a link to the exact tutorial you're working on, it would be easier to know how to help.
Please put in 5 fresh AA batteries and see if this resolves the issue.
Duane: I thought I read somewhere that there was no need to clear eeprom - thanks for confirmsorry, I'll post links form now on:
Courtney: spot on - solved: - thanks for one of those 'can't learn in a book' pieces of advise - erratic behaviour (board reset) = check batteries - lol!
Carry on with the tutorials. !
Have fun with the ActivityBot tutorials; we'll be here if you need advice or help.