Problem with this code for BoeBot
Hi, i'm building an IR boe bot but i'm having problems with the code.
The robot is actually moving in spurts, i think that there's a problem between the pulses.
Can anyone help me to fix it?
Thank you
The robot is actually moving in spurts, i think that there's a problem between the pulses.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} irDetectLeft VAR Bit ' Variable Declarations irDetectRight VAR Bit pulseLeft VAR Word pulseRight VAR Word pulseCount VAR Byte timeleft VAR Word timeright VAR Word average VAR Word difference VAR Word FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000 GOSUB forward_Pulse DO GOSUB test_photoresistors GOSUB average_and_difference GOSUB navigate LOOP test_photoresistors: HIGH 5 PAUSE 3 RCTIME 5,1,timeleft HIGH 0 PAUSE 3 RCTIME 0,1,timeright DEBUG HOME, "timeright =· ", DEC5 timeright ," timeleft =· ", DEC5 timeleft RETURN average_and_difference: average = timeright + timeleft / 2 difference = average / 6 RETURN navigate: FREQOUT 10, 1, 38500 irDetectLeft = IN11 FREQOUT 3, 1, 38500 irDetectRight = IN4 IF (timeleft < 300) THEN PULSOUT 13, 750 PULSOUT 12, 0 PAUSE 10 ELSEIF (irDetectLeft = 0) AND (irDetectRight = 0) THEN pulseLeft = 650 pulseRight = 850 ELSEIF (irDetectLeft = 0) THEN DEBUG "Right" pulseLeft = 1300 pulseRight = 1300 ELSEIF (irDetectRight = 0) THEN DEBUG "left" pulseLeft = 650 pulseRight = 650 ELSE DEBUG "Forward" pulseLeft = 850 pulseRight = 650 ENDIF PULSOUT 13,pulseLeft PULSOUT 12,pulseRight PAUSE 15 'Sub routine Forward_Pulse: PULSOUT 13,850 PULSOUT 12,650 PAUSE 20
Can anyone help me to fix it?
Thank you
The Navigate subroutine is also missing a return statement after the pause 15.
Without return statements, the code jumps back to the beginning after it gets to the last line. This restarts the program. That's probably why you see twitches instead of continuous motion.
Also, since the Navigate subroutine is setting up pulseLeft and pulseRight values for a couple pulseout commands, this if block should also set values of pulseLeft and pulseRight. Make sure that they are in the 650 to 850 range. The value of 0 is not valid for pulseout going to servos.
IF(timeleft < 300)
PULSOUT 13, 750