Activitybot questions
I just got my Activitybot today and I put I to gather like how the tutorial said to but the Test and tune program only makes the left servo move. what is going on. also there are parts in the tutorial that says to turn the power switch to 0 then turn the power to two an the program will start.but my bot clears the program when I do that. is this normal or are the guides wrong or do I have a defective board?
This could be a wiring problem. Check all your connections as described here:
Make sure when you load the program that you use load to eeprom, not to RAM. If it's loaded to RAM it will be erased when power is turned off.
Good luck, and welcome to the forum.
After that, go back through the Calibration Activity, and follow the instructions very carefully. Especially make sure that you allow the calibration to complete by waiting till the yellow lights turn off.
If the symptom persists, repeat the Try This section of, and post your output to this thread. A healthy interpolation table should resemble this (below). The numbers do not have to match exactly. Focus in the third column. Ignoring the 1000 values, the rest should start in the 170 to 200 range, decline to 0, and then back up to the 170 to 200 range. It should work this way for both right and left servos.
drive_speed(64, 64);
drive_speed(0, 0)
The AB runs at 64 tps for 2 seconds and stops. But, if you raise the speeds to say 78 and 78 it will loop through the main function until the batteries drain out. I have no idea what's causing this.