Propeller II Protoboard
Hi. I expect/hope to need a protoboard soon (in lieu of the PCI-X board).
I don't have my own design, and won't be making one any time soon.
Sapieha, did you make any PCBs yet? Got gerbers?
Will consider any design. Post 'em if you got 'em !!! (I.E. post a link here).
I don't have my own design, and won't be making one any time soon.
Sapieha, did you make any PCBs yet? Got gerbers?
Will consider any design. Post 'em if you got 'em !!! (I.E. post a link here).
Ok, don't complain when I make a board.
If its the latter then I misread your original post - I thought you were chasing a board Sapieha might have designed/described. Perhaps that's why others may have held back from responding too.
I got a few breakout boards made a few months back for use with breadboarding. They're big though, I'm sure someone else will have something more compact.
The silver is starting to tarnish on them, hope the Prop 2's arrive soon!
You can use my design files as a start if you like, I have most of the circuit built on them... the board is made for the P1, but, can be upgraded for the P2: PCB%2FP8X32A - You'll likely need 4 layers to get it to route with memory added. If you decide to use my board, let's collaborate on the design then!
That design will not work properly with P2.
P2 need much bigger GND and Voltage traces and Caps as near as possible on every Voltage trace
I have next clear layout - Simplest possible without RAM else any extra IC on it ( only V-Reg's
But as I don't know Currents .P2 will need -- I still dont know what type of V-Reg's I shall use
Hi Sapieha,
The traces you see there are the 3v3 for the i/o, and there isn't any significant loading there for what I want to do. The 1v8 rails are under the board and much wider. There are also more caps under. I've used adjustable regulators to compensate for the IxR drop in those rails.
However the goal was really to have something (anything) "ready" rather than something "perfect". I agree for a general purpose design there are many things that need attention. I like how Chip used LC decouplers for the 3v3 supplies. Chip also posted something about low inductance recently, and all that and yours is good advice
Currently I am more likely to build an addon to the Parallax P2 board. Otherwise I shall build with SRAM, not SDRAM.
Hi Lachlan
Looks good!
Were you going to make some of these boards available?
I can make them available if required, yes. Whether that's putting the files up on Oshpark's site or mailing them out or whatever. I only got a few initially as I thought I'd have revised it by now, but I haven't had much free time in the past few months. But let's wait and see what else is out there that may be a bit less "quaint". Parallax may have a few options too.
Since you're local we should get together (perhaps with Ron Nollet too) sometime soon.
I've dusted off the DE2 today for the first time in several months. I seem to have temporarily misplaced my DE0. It's good to be back onto this rather than paperwork. Hope to load in your program soon.
Heck, we are even waiting finalized module pinouts and information (since the change to optional DQM straps).
That looks fine to me for getting started. Send me email.