Prop2 emulator add-on board when added, I can no longer see Prop2

Hi All,
I am lucky enough to now be amongst the lucky bunch, who have a DE0 and a DE2, and my add-on boards arrived this morning
I was all ready to rock and roll, but PNut doesn't seem to be able to find the Prop2 when I add the add-on boards, yet it does find both when they are minus the boards.
Is there any dip switches/jumpers I'm supposed to set/add in adding the boards?
Has anyone else had this issue? or is it just me?
I am lucky enough to now be amongst the lucky bunch, who have a DE0 and a DE2, and my add-on boards arrived this morning

I was all ready to rock and roll, but PNut doesn't seem to be able to find the Prop2 when I add the add-on boards, yet it does find both when they are minus the boards.
Is there any dip switches/jumpers I'm supposed to set/add in adding the boards?
Has anyone else had this issue? or is it just me?
Hope that helps.
You need another FPGA configuration file with the AddOn board. And you need to pull out the Flash chip if you want use the ROM monitor.
The confuguration file is here.
BTW. Welcome back, good to have you here.
So for now, I'll play on DE2
It's certainly is good to be back!
Oh, and res, I had read the instructions and had the jumper in place, on the DE0, but still no joy! will try again later, but for now, I'm gonna have some fun with the DE2
I have not tried the addon board to my DE0 yet. Been too busy with my single cog LMM debugger.
Rayman I've removed the 8-pin DIP SPI flash chip, and added the jumper, still to no avail as of yet.
Cheers Cluso, what a great club it is! loving it so far, and it's my first day.
I've only had a little play with it this evening, but what I can say, is this is a corker of a chip
BTW: I actually use the USB port on the DE0 to provide power, even in Prop mode...
Rayman: Yes, I power my DE0 from my Propplug (USB). Not using the expansion board yet.
And when using the expansion, I use the new Propplug port. is that right?
I use mine with power from USB and the Prop Plug on the port of the add-on.
Don't forget to at least initially remove the eeprom from the add-on board and add the jumper to pins 3 & 5 of the DE0, both of which are mentioned above.
I have the PropPlug on port 6 now, running happily on the DE2.
But still no joy with the DE0.
It programs 100% complete, for the jic file, but when doing F10 on PNut, it's no hardware found on ports.
Second - the PropPlug is oriented reverse compared to the DE2 on the Nano... could you have it backwards?
(On the Nano the beanie sticker should be facing away from the breadboard, towards the edge of the PCB)
There's an arrow saying "USB" that should point to the DE0 USB port...
Also, make sure you have Chip's fpga code and not Sapieha's
Is the latest firware still set up for the same pins for the prop plug?
I just programmed my DE0 with the latest configuration here and I can no longer get into monitor mode?
If I load in the older configuration file I can get into monitor mode just fine.
Maybe that can help You. FLASH need be removed/reprogramed for Monitor to work
And look on Picture for how it need be mounted
The latest firmware is for the DE0-Nano Prop2 add-on board we made. Its pins are in different places than the original raw DE0-Nano configuration, where the PropPlug went straight into the DE0-Nano header. If anyone needs a DE0-Nano Prop2 add-on board, just email me your shipping address and phone number.
PNut still isn't recognising it though
Can you post of a picture of your setup?
Could your terminal program be hogging the COM port?
I think it has to be a number <10 to work (?)...
I have an add-on board due tomorrow care of Baggers so I will test it with that.
Is the DE0 working without the expansion board ??? Below is what I currently do...
I am not using the DE0 expansion board, just the plain DE0 and the older fpga code (see the first post of the sticky thread).
I seem to recall having issues that pnut.exe F10 could not find the prop2 so I resorted to this proceedure...
- Plug the DE0 into the PC via propplug (which powers my DE0)
- My Propplug is set to COM8
- Load PropTool (P1 version)
- Press F7 to locate my DE0 P2
- Press F12 to load PST (otherwise PST does not find the DE0 Prop)
- Press <enter> and DE0 responds === Propeller II Monitor === or something similar
- Exit PropTool
- Run pnut.exe
- Load my pasm source into pnut
- Press F10 to compile and download
- Select PST and Enable
- everything should work fine
- Now I can select pnut and edit my program, compile with F10, select PST, press <enter> to enable PST, and watch for the response (note the ROM Monitor does not output anything until you press <space> for it to autobaud.
Now, just to verify that I really did have a problem with pnut.exe finding my DE0, I just tried this again. pnut FOUND my DE0.Now I am unsure if this was really a problem or it was just because of PST.
Maybe you should try this method just in case.
If you want a simple program to just output to the serial port (propplug), get my first program from the P2SerialDebugger thread.
It's COM6 I'm using PST to get the monitor up, that works fine.
I just can't talk to it through PNut.
Another question or two,
Assuming this to be the case, that it's only on cog0, is the pixel render only on cog0 also?
Check for a cold solder joint on the reset pin of the propplug connector.
Also make sure the propplug you are using will reset a Prop1
Edit: Bill was a bit faster... but only a bit.
Yes, it was working unexpanded, until i updated it with the expansion board firmware, so it could use the new propplug pins etc and have the dacs working, but it doesn't talk to prop through PNut but works fine with PST through the built in monitor.