HDTV 1280x720p signaling, 256x144 pixel @ 15bpp driver (32K colors)

Here is a fun HDTV driver I've been playing with - I added the MIT license today.
- DE2-115 only, uses 96KB frame buffer starting at $08000
- 15 bits per pixel R5G5B5
- trivial to change to 16 bit RGB, just change the mode
- starts another cog with the monitor
- you could use the monitor to load 15bpp images
Top left pixel is $08000, set Chip's monitor into word mode, and you can plot pixels by writing to the hub
The VGA version will be 256x192
Enjoy :-)
- It actually runs on the DE0-Nano, showing three copies of $00000-$07FFF
- It cannot launch the monitor in a second cog as there is not one on the Nano
- DE2-115 only, uses 96KB frame buffer starting at $08000
- 15 bits per pixel R5G5B5
- trivial to change to 16 bit RGB, just change the mode
- starts another cog with the monitor
- you could use the monitor to load 15bpp images
Top left pixel is $08000, set Chip's monitor into word mode, and you can plot pixels by writing to the hub
The VGA version will be 256x192
Enjoy :-)
- It actually runs on the DE0-Nano, showing three copies of $00000-$07FFF
- It cannot launch the monitor in a second cog as there is not one on the Nano
That's awesome, Bill!
With a memory-mapped screen, you can do a lot of fancy texture mapping that you wouldn't have time to do on the fly.
Once we get a good driver for the on-board SDRAM written, you'll be able to do much better resolution and color depth. The standard Prop2 module that we will make will have an 8MB flash and a 32MB SDRAM, so big memory will be somewhat of a standard. On the DE0/DE2 boards, the SDRAM is connected the same way it will be on the Prop2 module.
I can't wait for your SDRAM example - I am drooling at the thought of the high resolution high color depth it will allow.
The standard Prop2 module sounds great, please post more information as it "gells".
That's what it looks like on me DE0 as well - thanks for posting the pic.