Found! (Nurse or Doctor or Med. Student teammate)
Update: I've found a teammate 
If there are any nurses or doctors or medical students out there that want to join up with me for this contest please email me at.
If you look at my website (, you'll see I'm big into microcontroller LCDs and graphics.
No surprise then that my first idea is some kind of smart medkit that provides a touchscreen interface for information and/or medical device interface. The advantage being this would be low cost and lightweight.
What I'm looking for is a content creator for this touchscreen. I'd like to focus on the hardware and the software, but need help with pictures, icons, sounds and text to go with it.
So, if you can work with computer media and have medical training, I look forward to teaming up with you.
And, if you have a better idea of what to do with this touchscreen, let me know.

If there are any nurses or doctors or medical students out there that want to join up with me for this contest please email me at.
If you look at my website (, you'll see I'm big into microcontroller LCDs and graphics.
No surprise then that my first idea is some kind of smart medkit that provides a touchscreen interface for information and/or medical device interface. The advantage being this would be low cost and lightweight.
What I'm looking for is a content creator for this touchscreen. I'd like to focus on the hardware and the software, but need help with pictures, icons, sounds and text to go with it.
So, if you can work with computer media and have medical training, I look forward to teaming up with you.
And, if you have a better idea of what to do with this touchscreen, let me know.
Ambulance drivers or paramedics would be other possibilities.
Where do paramedics hang out?
On ER, they hung around the ER to get supplies and flirt with the nurses.
On Third Watch, they hung around the firehouse.....I don't remember if they flirted but since it was TV, they probably did.
On Chicago Fire, they hang around the firehouse and flirt with the firemen.
Check out a school that has EMT classes, maybe someone wants an extra credit project or an independent study unit.
Hopefully, the $25,000 in prize money will motivate somebody out there...
$5,000 for first place, split 2 ways is still pretty nice.
Maybe throw a happy hour in a restaurant in the medical zone of your nearby city. Advertise your intentions on the breakroom bulletin board of some retirement communities, hospitals, nursing schools, etc. Fork out some cash and buy them some food and beverages, show them you're serious. Find some retirement homes out in the boondocks, advertise where the nurses are bored out of their skulls and need some free food and beer. Meet your next wife/boyfriend/um-whatever.
Could it be that they're smarter than we thought?
I think my EKG circuit could also be used for EEG (brainwave type stuff). I'm sure everybody has seen the toy that lets you move a ball with mind control...
Maybe I could use this with the LCD display for feedback to do something like push the nurses call button.
or, maybe something really useful like change channels on the TV...
That would be awesome. It seems to me that once you can tap into that aspect of medicine, you'd open up a vast range of capabilities for small, cheap microprocessor-based microMedics, ranging from therapy to diagnostics, sleep disorders, brain injuries, concussions, epilepsy, migraines, strokes, etc. The trick is getting some good analytical algorithms packed into a small device. Perhaps you could even hybridize data from EKG and EEG using the same know-how?
It IS an interesting project though. I have a masters in electrical engineering, computer engineering and am an md but the incentive is non-existent (unless there would be residual compensations). After all, while the challenge is somewhat interesting why bother for someone else to reap the final profit?
Someone else will always reap the profits unless you have enough money to do the whole lifecycle without getting ripped off along the way. Best thing for the many of us is to hook up with a good research group that shares fairly well. Less return, less headaches, ultimately more in your own pocket than doing it alone. So Robert, if you are affiliated with a hospital with a strong research group and good IP firm, hook up with them if you have something of possible value and see what will put more in your pocket.
If the only thing you are interested in is money, there are other options than this that are better suited.
Most of us here are more interested in doing something cool that has never been done before, and we enjoy working with others.
but can I suggest that if you have a working EEG circuit, could you use it to evaluate the PAIN level of a patient? Wow a real concrete value to this problematic data collection. Currently you need to ask the patient what is your pain level today. Each patient has their own determination. A baseline EEG circuit might give a value that could be used across patients. To the best of my knowledge this does not have a PATIENT on it. Big bucks to be made if it can be established (or and accepted by the community).
I think presence or absence of complaints or screams would serve as a rough baseline, until sufficient data is collected from the population. Ask the patient, and go from there. Simplest is best.
So, I think that avenue is currently free for others...
Now, I have a dilemna... Have to check the rules to see how many teams I can be on.
As long as these projects are completely different, it should be Ok, right?
My first partner may not be too excited about this idea though...
My free time has limits too and I have to be careful not to spread myself too thin...
I think 2 projects would be the absolute maximum.
Making a team is very good idea for this work witch is between medecine , electronic and biology.
I have worked with hospital bioengineers . Working every day in an hospital they know a lot in this area.
Perhaps students in bioengineering may be helpful for this project.
Have they time and motivation for it ? Perhaps if they get credits for it ?
Jean Paul