HDD Clock ????
I saw this online and thought that it would be a cool thing to add to my desk at work.
I have already sorced the HDD and made the appropriate modifications but now i am trying to decide what route to go with for a controller for the LEDs and time keeping functions. I would like to incorperate a LCD screen and only use the Platters when i want to show it off.. Maybe have an external switch or something to turn the HDD display on. I was thinking of using the chip out of a chronodot for time keeping with a super cap to eliviate power losses. Some buttons or a 5 way joystick would be nice user interface to change display settings and time. I have never programed with the Propeller but it lookes like it wouldn't be hard to do since the OBEX will have half the code for this thing.
Has anyone done this or know if the Prop would be up to the task? The disk i have is 7200 RPM which would be 120 FPS each frame would have segments of the display divided by say 6 degrees giving you an RGB value for 60 different positions 120 times a second. CAN IT BE DONE
I have already sorced the HDD and made the appropriate modifications but now i am trying to decide what route to go with for a controller for the LEDs and time keeping functions. I would like to incorperate a LCD screen and only use the Platters when i want to show it off.. Maybe have an external switch or something to turn the HDD display on. I was thinking of using the chip out of a chronodot for time keeping with a super cap to eliviate power losses. Some buttons or a 5 way joystick would be nice user interface to change display settings and time. I have never programed with the Propeller but it lookes like it wouldn't be hard to do since the OBEX will have half the code for this thing.
Has anyone done this or know if the Prop would be up to the task? The disk i have is 7200 RPM which would be 120 FPS each frame would have segments of the display divided by say 6 degrees giving you an RGB value for 60 different positions 120 times a second. CAN IT BE DONE
What could you do with all those unused cogs then?!
I am interested in any input you guys have. As said before i love a challenge so learning the prop with this project will be an experience. Please fill my brain with ideas and tips maybe even some insight into how this could be or should be programmed. Thanks for all your help.
Phil the precision RPM gauge with the BS2pe Mobo is working very well Thank you
Now have to get the prop to drive the motor too!
Alternately, mount the leds on the underside of the platter with a tiny hole above each led and mask around the led to stop the light from getting to other led holes. (mount the leds with epoxy and paint this black). Os some similar concept.
Warning - I take no responsibility for parts flying off - so make sure you safely enclose the device - perhaps under a thick piece of perspex/accrylic.
All things I was thinking about too. Not sure what would be the most safe. I want one so bad now, but just like a jacobs ladder, this one might have to wait till i get a man cave.
i am loving all the ideas. Some pretty cool thoughts. I like the propeller pov display using a propeller... kinda makes since . I think since i haven't seen too much with this type of hdd clock when this is all ironed out i will post some design notes and some how to for others.
The tech for this thing seems to follow a certain pattern for the most part. As far as i can tell we need to measure the time between passes of the hall sensor and divide this time by a certain number of possible positions of the clocks arms. For instance. If we measure a 7200RPM drive we would get around 120hz pulse from the hall sensor or 8.333 ms between pulses. If we decided on a 6 degree arch then that would give us 60 possible places for the hands to exist. This shows we need each "position" to be
138us per hand position. If this is put into an algorithm each rotation and the display is drawn the next rotation then we have a display that will not be sensitiveitive to RPM.
What do you guys think?
I installed a hall effect sensor pulled from a cpu fan and it works beautiful. 120Hz pulses = 7400 rpm. I made a transistor circuit to use the pulse to strobe an led. This helped me align the top platter so pulse happens when the slot on the top platter is at the 12 o'clock position.
All i need now is a prop. Any suggestions on a good development board that will help with the development and the wallet?
i guess i could replace the smd resistors and reconfigure the led strip for 5 volts either way