Atmel Ardunio Mega vs. Propeller
G'day chaps,
Been working on a robot, and had some trouble with the board, looking into getting a different one, which is better, ardunio mega, or propeller. The ardunio has the advantage in my mind because of its "simplistic" programming compared to the prop, however, I've never used it before, so I have no idea of the speed of it. As for the propeller, nice chip, but I always seem to have problems with it, I would generally go for it because of its multi cogs, but I'm just wanting to find an easy to use, and reliable board. Which would you say is better?
Been working on a robot, and had some trouble with the board, looking into getting a different one, which is better, ardunio mega, or propeller. The ardunio has the advantage in my mind because of its "simplistic" programming compared to the prop, however, I've never used it before, so I have no idea of the speed of it. As for the propeller, nice chip, but I always seem to have problems with it, I would generally go for it because of its multi cogs, but I'm just wanting to find an easy to use, and reliable board. Which would you say is better?
Is rather too vague....
What sort of trouble ? If you describe where was it weak, and what areas do you need 'more muscle' in, you will get better replies
Any time you use a microcontroller - regardless of what kind it is -- to actuate a load like a motor, you run into potential issues relating to load transients. This requires careful attention to the basics of wire routing, bypassing, and filtering, all things that switching micros will not address. I'll take another look at your thread and see if anything stands out.
[EDIT] Didn't realize that you had responded to my forums before posting this thread, sorry.
Remember that "better" depends on what you want to do with them, how comfortable you are with the various development environments, what kind of support is available, etc. There is no "better" out of context.
I've used an Arduino before and I've used lots of Propellers. I've also used many other microcontrollers, microprocessors, microcomputers, etc. over many years and I like the Propeller. Its design is clean and very well thought out. It's well supported and there's a large library of ready-to-use code. It can be programmed at a beginner's level and at a very expert level, particularly in terms of signal processing and fine control of I/O. I like the fact that it has built-in video hardware so you can connect a display (VGA or TV) with only a few resistors. You can also connect a PS/2 keyboard and/or mouse to it with only a few resistors.
The Propeller is 8 cores running at 80MHz. It has no notion of interrupts instead focusing on using a core to service the needs of other hardware. There is no dedicated hardware for common protocols like SPI / I2C / Serial / Ect. There are a number of languages available in various stages of maturity and it absolutely shines where there is a need to handle multiple events simultaneously. The SPIN language is easy to learn and quite powerful but will execute more slowly than most Arduino code, Propeller assembly on the other hand will run circles around it and the C flavors available would be close match if not a bit faster.
There is no definitive 'better'. If you need something that deals with a couple A/D conversions, or needs 36 I/O and interfaces to a bunch of 5V logic then the Arduino may fit perfectly and involve building or purchasing less support hardware. If you need to simultaneously sample 4 sensors, calculate results, control a motor, and update an LCD or TV the Propeller may be a natural fit to that where it would eat the Arduino alive.
Your reset issue, as has been pointed out, is a matter of design. Ask yourself, looking at the various robots being created and driven around Propeller boards is it reasonable to assume that a motor can't be used with it without it reseting? Were that the case people would be screaming. The answer is simple, the power supply is likely inadequate to startup load of that motor. I have been there too, you just KNOW that it isn't your circuit, it's got to be this #$%@ board. Almost every single time though..... yeah, it's your circuit.
However, many of the Linux single board computers are also 3.3 volt devices and interface quite nicely with the Propeller.
Options abound!!
This seems to be changing fast. I think 3.3V will soon be more common (though I'm not willing to bet on it).
I've found very few 5V devices that don't work will with the Prop. But you're right, it does take a bit of a tweak (usually just a resisitor).
It depends on what you want to do with it. While there are applications where a single core processor (and various peripheral implemented in hardware on chip, etc) is the best fit, the prop is great as an all-around development platform. The prop has been overkill for pretty much everything I've tried to do on a microcontroller, somebody else can pare the application down for a smaller processor. Also, I tend to use forth, so after I get above the kernel level (or the hardw specific features), the language is pretty much the same on any processor.
I pretty much use the prop for everything. I would only need to move to another device if I started mass producing something and needed to save a dollar on each processor.
Thats why im here in parallax land (itll be great when somebody figures out how to get my quickstart to get recognized on any com port)
The QuickStart board uses an FTDI USB to serial interface chip. You have to have an appropriate driver installed on your computer. If you're using Windows, the default driver won't do the job. You have to have FTDI's driver. Best thing to do is to download the most recent version of the VCP (Virtual COM Port) driver from and install it with the QuickStart board not plugged in. Plug in the board after the installation is done. It should work. Make sure you have a good USB cable between the QuickStart board and your PC. You'd be surprised at how often there's a bad USB cable. If you still can't get it to work, call Parallax Tech Support. Often the problem is something that's better worked out over the phone than by using a support forum. The QuickStart board design is good and I've not had any problems with any of the software (USB driver, Propeller Tool on Windows or BST on Mac or Windows).
Swapped the bd and cable at radio shack and it worked then froze in five times.
Called tech support, told to lower latency below 16 in hardware advanced and go to and get latest
vcp's its workin now.
You are right on! (and now that you said that I believe it will work tomorrow.
Note that the first USB cable I tried would power the board, but the board wasn't recognized. This was one of those nice looking retractable cables. I switched over to one of the USB cables that Parallax provides and it worked fine.
Nice recycling, Mike!
It's the same way with wires.
Getting the details is the difference between success and failure.
No matter the platform, if you can't get with the programme then you're just wasting your time.