Now Available QuadStepper board for QuickStart
Four TI drv8833 dual h-bridges.
single four channel ADC.
$45+$5 shipping.
Only 10 boards availabe as of now, limit one per person.
I will contact you to see what options you want for shunt resistor values as to limit current from 200mA to 1.5Amp
And if your want the spox molex attached.
I use 2.5mm pitch molex connectors and will supply male(for board) and female headers w/ crimps
Any other 2.5mm will work like the 3.5" floppydrive power connectors etc
I will create a full spin driver, but meanwhile you may have to use what is out there or make your own.
P.S Add a 17seg LED driver board for the PPDB for an extra $18..
best regards Stefan
Dual-H-Bridge Current-Control Motor Driver
Capable of Driving Two DC Motors or One Stepper Motor
Low MOSFET On-Resistance:HS + LS 360 mΩ
Output Current 1.5-A RMS, 2-A Peak per H-Bridge
Outputs Can Be Paralleled for 3-A RMS,4-A Peak
Wide Power Supply Voltage Range:2.7 V 10.8 V
ADS1015 - 12-Bit ADC
PROGRAMMABLE DATA RATE: transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four 128SPS to 3.3kSPS
INTERNAL OSCILLATOR INTERNAL PGA up to 3300 samples per second (SPS)
FOUR SINGLE-ENDED OR TWO ±256mV, PROGRAMMABLE COMPARATOR differential or four single-ended inputs.
Uses 4 Prop pins per Stepper = 16pins, can be wired to use with other Prop boards and not just used with QuickStart.
Can be mounted on either side of a QuickStart board. Leaves p0-p7 unconnected for other uses.
QuickStart board is powered from QuadStepper through a 6.8uH 1A power inductor.(anti-noise measure on the power supply)
Are 16 pins really needed for this?
Do you have a manufacture number for this device?
Yes you could get by with one prop pin and you don't need my octal (8) motor driver board.
You don't even need bi-directional as solenoids uses a spring to return.
I have a part number, it will be a denso part number though 15330-22020. There is also B110121113A stamped on it, it is scratched through the B11 portion, so I'm not 100% on those 2 numbers.
You are correct, it does use a return spring.
How many wires are going to this device?
Refering to the question you asked in my thread:
Stepper motors have a minimum of four wires, so this device of yours is definitely not a stepper motor, considering it has only two wires. I presume, one is positive and one is negative for solenoid operation. Irregardless, solenoids can be operated with PWM modulation, so perhaps some software similar to mine in the other thread might work well for you. Presumably you are seeking PWM modulation, in which case you should seek out spin code that uses NCO counters.
This mosfet could do it directly from a prop pin:
Any other mosfets that also have a VGS graph that shows that at 3.1Volt it outputs at least 50% of rated max current or 2amps in your case.
As you have two wires, put the n-channel mosfet on the return ground wire.
In automotive you sometimes don't have a ground wire as the chassis is ground and you would need to use high side drive.
@Bruce, thanks for the term correction, I didn't realize I was using the wrong terminology