MP3 player reading from USB flash drive
And yet another project I am wanting to build if possible. What I am hoping to do is have a basic MP3 player using the prop which will randomly select an MP3 from 3 or 4 USB flash drives. The reason for so many is this is for my work and each person can bring their own playlist on their own flash drive. Is this something that is doable? I would like to build this as basic as possible.
I haven't really dealt with audio files or the likes, but this project is definitively possible in my mind.
I'm just curious, why are you going with USB flash drives. I know most laptops have a multi-card reader so could you use SD cards? This would be a much cheaper solution and easier to implement on the prop I think.
But, you'd probably have to program them to work the way you want...
I had planned to order one for myself this weekend.
At $37, it would be expensive for four modules...
As for MP3 playback, try this.
Yes, the Vinculum chip is the USB host. I don't think anyone has created a NTFS driver for SD cards. Might be a little too large/complex for a Propeller.
The chip Circuitsoft posted... Does that come in DIP style? If I went SM, I would have to have a circuit board made for this one project. That is pretty pricey and my last one I tried to make on my own turned out really bad
As for circuit boards, check out BatchPCB. - Breakout Board for VS1033D MP3
Along with this : - Breakout Board for microSD Transflash
How would the Prop play a roll in this circuit? If I need to randomly select a song from 1 of 4 SD cards, would the Prop do that? Would the SD cards be connected to the Prop which would pull the randomly selected MP3 and send it through the VS1033D?