One more stupid electronic question, sound this time.
I've got a Quickstart board and am making an adaptor for TV out. Thank you for the answer regarding the Video circuit.
Now for the sound. Since I'm going to be using the audio inputs on my TV, can I remove the amp chip from the demo board schematic and just use the 10k resistors and caps straight to the audio inputs on the TV? This point should be at line level, correct?
Now for the sound. Since I'm going to be using the audio inputs on my TV, can I remove the amp chip from the demo board schematic and just use the 10k resistors and caps straight to the audio inputs on the TV? This point should be at line level, correct?
Not a connection inside the case?
OK, I know you mean drop the 10k resistors to 1K, but for the caps, are you talking the 1uF in series, or the 10nF caps to ground?