problems with new PC communicating with Stamp2
I have just got a new PC (mini-itx running DOS)
When I go to PBasic, the stamp responds correctly
UNTIL I edit the program and then I get a 'communications' error.
I'm sure the stamp and carrier are good (I've used them on & off)
for years.
I've swapped serial cables.
I have a similar problem with a woofer tester (serial also)
The problem seems in the new PC, and I'm wondering
if I'm missing some setting ? or ???
When I go to PBasic, the stamp responds correctly
UNTIL I edit the program and then I get a 'communications' error.
I'm sure the stamp and carrier are good (I've used them on & off)
for years.
I've swapped serial cables.
I have a similar problem with a woofer tester (serial also)
The problem seems in the new PC, and I'm wondering
if I'm missing some setting ? or ???
Possibly see if there is a more current version of the bios?
I'm used to having it hardwired ....
Good Idea !
( Hoping that you are an Intel software engineer
trying to solve my problem ) ............
of my system with a clone of my USDBOS
And see if the serial COM1 works ..........
It's possible I fried my motherboard ......
I heard a big buzz through my tuner whenst
I pluged in the wallwart to the WooferTester ..
(like some thing was arching nearby) .....
So I replaced the motherboard, but it still
acts the same.
Possible hint :
When I first start PBasic, if I do " alt i "
I get back " hardware found " .......
but if I do " alt i " a second time I get
" hardware not found "
Any thoughts ???????
2.Carrier board?
3.Operating System
4. BIOS settings?
Does identify only work the first time the program starts? Try resetting the chip just before hitting identify, a few times. Leave the stamp on and close and open the editor, then try identify a few times? The devil is in the details, and I need more details to figure it out. Also. Need to know the motherboard model.
And in case you were wondering, I don't work for intel yet, unfortunately. I'm an Information Systems Administration student @ITT Tech.
> cables
I've switched ........ no help
>carrier board
that's a thought,but an ugly one
(edit) I have the same type problem with another device
>operating system
If it's that (DOS), it's in conjuction with the new board
since it's worked before
There seems no settings for the COM function
motherboard is Intel D425KT Mini-ITX Motherboard
It's somewhat better
If I do a infinite loop it with debug it will go for perhaps
100 iterations then give "communications error"
That is what I would bet on. My thought is... The motherboard is expecting a Plug N Play operating system, which dos is not. Most boards have some setting that allow you to select for non plug n play os. Sometimes it's OS2 or OTHER. It's usually somewhere in ADVANCED. I did some research and can't get the list of settings actually in bios. Some board documentation has a list of settings and available choices, but I can't find this data for your board. The dos editor and dos should work, so this is puzzling. Glad to hear it's better, what did you change? Without knowing what settings the bios has, I can't be sure that IS it. The only other thing I can think of is to install another operating system to see if it works. Windows xp is the best choice IMO because it's on the list of supported operating systems.
Nothing. It seems to sort of warm into working somewhat.
The other unit (Woofer Tester) is still a no-go since it depends
more on the host PC than the Stamp.
>Without knowing what settings the bios has, I can't be sure that IS it.
I'll look at the BIOS again.
>The only other thing I can think of is to install another operating
>system to see if it works. Windows xp is the best choice IMO
>because it's on the list of supported operating systems.
I'll try another MB before I do that. I had installed XP, but ran
into the 'activation' BS which is messy since I have no internet
on the PC in question. Thanks for the help