Mac Book Pro question
I'm looking at a Mac Book Pro and if I boot win7 on it does the propeller software work for programming the stamp and Propeller?
Since the laptop I want is 1200 I can get a MB pro and have both windows and apple for another 200 dollars?
Since the laptop I want is 1200 I can get a MB pro and have both windows and apple for another 200 dollars?
The only extra cost you have is a copy of Windows if you run it with BootCamp or add another $80 for Parallels and run it in a VM inside of OSX.
I love my MBP!
Or there is the PZST Propeller IDE which uses the same compiler engine as BST.
These are much more convenient solutions than dual booting or virtual machines.
No idea about Stamp tools on a Mac though. Anyone have suggestions?
EDIT: I stand corrected. I was able to get my BST working with 10.7.2 by clearing the support files from my Library directory. Thanks Mike Green for pointing out my error.
OK, apparently I have an issue with BST. I suppose I will have to start another thread as to not hijack this one.