Well Mr. Gracey, I discovered electronics long ago from simply having an obsession with retro video game consoles. As it grew I found my self programming them and before I knew it I was working with directX and c++. around Christmas my dad got me an electronic learning lab that came with a Breadboard, and I wouldn't set it down. I played with it non stop. So he took me and mymbrother out to Fry's electronics and we had shakes and I was staring down these two things I wanted for my after Christmas present. I saw the hydra development board. I wanted tuis because I thought it would extremely fun to program own games and everything, and get away from the complex yet simple directX. But I looked at the price tag and said $239!?!?! My dad was reluctant to get it for me, bur he did. As we walked to the cash register, I took the hydra back and got a propeller educational lab kit. I thought to my self, they both have propeller chips(which I had never heard of at the time) so for e most part they run the same code. I told my self I could do so much more because I already have a Breadboard at home so I could combine projects, and well here I am, preparing to add VGA output to my board and are just dreaming of turning the Propeller into powerful multitasking machine with it's own operating system.
Well Mr. Gracey, I discovered electronics long ago from simply having an obsession with retro video game consoles. As it grew I found my self programming them and before I knew it I was working with directX and c++. around Christmas my dad got me an electronic learning lab that came with a Breadboard, and I wouldn't set it down. I played with it non stop. So he took me and mymbrother out to Fry's electronics and we had shakes and I was staring down these two things I wanted for my after Christmas present. I saw the hydra development board. I wanted tuis because I thought it would extremely fun to program own games and everything, and get away from the complex yet simple directX. But I looked at the price tag and said $239!?!?! My dad was reluctant to get it for me, bur he did. As we walked to the cash register, I took the hydra back and got a propeller educational lab kit. I thought to my self, they both have propeller chips(which I had never heard of at the time) so for e most part they run the same code. I told my self I could do so much more because I already have a Breadboard at home so I could combine projects, and well here I am, preparing to add VGA output to my board and are just dreaming of turning the Propeller into powerful multitasking machine with it's own operating system.
In my never humble opinion I thin you made the right decision in getting the propeller education lab kit instead of the hydra. Learn how to work with the propeller and then you can learn how to write graphics with the propeller.
As well as the propeller works as a micro-controller I don't think it's well suited for use as a general purpose cpu.
To Mr Gracey: I think I made te right choice because I could still make the hydra board from the educational kit. And I don't plan on using it as a general purpose CPU. I think it is better fitted for specific purposem things that can fully take advantage of the hardware. Mainly I just want to compete this challenge I set for my self because I know that if I do, its great to put on a collage resume, making any collage that I want to go to for hard and software engineering accept me that much faster.
To Mr Jeff(and sorry for not addressing Mr. Heater.) I am indeed into the whole retro game systems. I currently own three of the five sega consoles, starting with the genesis and moving up!
To Mr Gracey: I think I made te right choice because I could still make the hydra board from the educational kit. And I don't plan on using it as a general purpose CPU. I think it is better fitted for specific purposem things that can fully take advantage of the hardware. Mainly I just want to compete this challenge I set for my self because I know that if I do, its great to put on a collage resume, making any collage that I want to go to for hard and software engineering accept me that much faster.
Indeed, I think you made the right choice, too. You'll have a bit more flexibility and you'll be closer to the hardware with the PE kit.
We've assisted a number of students around here who show up like yourself, with lots of enthusiasm and ideas. It's always surprising what kinds of interests can develop out of a nearly random visit to Fry's or RadioShack. You've opened a number of doors for yourself by getting the Propeller kit that day. Looking back to the late 70's I realize the importance of the Saturday trips we took to the model railroad displays, the local RadioShack, the electronics junk stores, the aerospace company where my dad worked, and the local R/C hobby store. This is how interests develop.
As you get rolling with electronics and programming you'll learn a lot of little tricks to make your [parents] money go further. Ask lots of questions around here since you're on a limited budget with wide-open plans to learn. We'll help you.
Thanks for sharing the whole story. And you can call me "Ken" but I appreciate the respect you provided anyway by calling me "Mr. Gracey".
Sure thing Ken! I have enthusiasm jpbecause I think it's fun and my parents believe me. I keep telling my dad I'm gonna make him a video game, but with this kit, I'm not just closer to making a video game, I'm that much closer to making my own system based of the Propeller. I really do thank yu and every one else who has helped me out alot, and I just started. I will continue my journey in the educational labs fundamentals book, start the propeller cookbook, and continue to visit the obex and even put up my own creations!!
To Mr Jeff(and sorry for not addressing Mr. Heater.) I am indeed into the whole retro game systems. I currently own three of the five sega consoles, starting with the genesis and moving up!
Ah.. Another retro console collector as well. Nice. I'm assuming you also have the X32 system?
BTW, I too don't have to be referred to as "MR".. I haven't let anyone do that since I stopped teaching public school.
You'll find that around here the group doesn't judge you based on your age or experience. Just continue to jump into your Propeller with your excitement and enthusiasm. Share what you are doing for others to enjoy and eventually you find yourself answering questions and helping others who are new to the Propeller.
Any chance that you live anywhere near the Chicago, NE Ohio, or Mid California areas? There's an opportunity to meet folks at the Propeller expos this year.
BTW, the only difference between the Hydra and the PEKit (you bought) are a few circuits that you'll wire up on your breadboard. If you haven't done it yet, Build that 3-resistor video circuit and connect your Propeller to the TV. Load the Graphic Demo. I promise, you'll be blown away. (Also that Hydra Book is a free download)
Thanks a bunch. No I can't seem find a cd or 32X, but I did at least get a sonic and knuckles cartridge. I also have a game gear too. Hurray for sega. Yeah I plan on buildingnthe circuit some time soon, but I don't have the parts yet, and I dont think I will be able to ge them for a week or so. So I will post my blown away results when I discover them! Once again, thank you Jeff.
It's a good question because there are some individuals -with stars- who come here to glean all they can and then promote their own products/services through their own websites on this forum!!! Said individuals even have the audacity to make a big issue-on their own website-of copyright of intellectual property that they suck up for free from forums such as these!!!
It's a good question because there are some individuals -with stars- who come here to glean all they can and then promote their own products/services through their own websites on this forum!!! Said individuals even have the audacity to make a big issue-on their own website-of copyright of intellectual property that they suck up for free from forums such as these!!!
Yeah, had me wondering for a while.
Can you provide any examples of this? The closest thing that I can think of is Leon's Xmos posts, but those chips aren't his own product (and it personally doesn't bother me).
It seems that most products are promoted in poster's sigs, and they are all usually uC related and rarely very closed.
Example please.
If someone takes ideas from here and turns them into product what's the problem? Isn't that part of what here is all about?
There may be problems with attribution of ideas but I have not seen it.
I have absolutely no problem with Parallax related promotions. In fact I wish that PropBASIC actually had a price tag, just like Hanno's excellent products.
I have a Parallax board and a third-party board with more to come and I think I have decided on who to approach, here on the forum, to design and produce my own custom product(s) based on the Propeller...This is why I am here every day!
Tell us about your interests, how you discovered the Propeller, and what kinds of projects you have in mind.
In my never humble opinion I thin you made the right decision in getting the propeller education lab kit instead of the hydra. Learn how to work with the propeller and then you can learn how to write graphics with the propeller.
As well as the propeller works as a micro-controller I don't think it's well suited for use as a general purpose cpu.
I like this idea "after Christmas present", I'll have to think of something for myself.
You say you're into retro gaming huh? http://www.propellerpowered.com/propellergaming
You can wire up your a composite "TV" video output using only three resistors, and the audio circuit just as easy.
Here's an old guide I wrote a while back that has these circuits. It was designed for the Protoboard, but has some neat ideas which can be adapted to your PEKit. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7557533/ledgerlabs/Propeller%20Protoboard%20Designs%20for%20the%20Beginner.pdf
Indeed, I think you made the right choice, too. You'll have a bit more flexibility and you'll be closer to the hardware with the PE kit.
We've assisted a number of students around here who show up like yourself, with lots of enthusiasm and ideas. It's always surprising what kinds of interests can develop out of a nearly random visit to Fry's or RadioShack. You've opened a number of doors for yourself by getting the Propeller kit that day. Looking back to the late 70's I realize the importance of the Saturday trips we took to the model railroad displays, the local RadioShack, the electronics junk stores, the aerospace company where my dad worked, and the local R/C hobby store. This is how interests develop.
As you get rolling with electronics and programming you'll learn a lot of little tricks to make your [parents] money go further. Ask lots of questions around here since you're on a limited budget with wide-open plans to learn. We'll help you.
Thanks for sharing the whole story. And you can call me "Ken" but I appreciate the respect you provided anyway by calling me "Mr. Gracey".
Again, welcome to the forums!
Ken Gracey
Ah.. Another retro console collector as well.
BTW, I too don't have to be referred to as "MR".. I haven't let anyone do that since I stopped teaching public school.
You'll find that around here the group doesn't judge you based on your age or experience. Just continue to jump into your Propeller with your excitement and enthusiasm. Share what you are doing for others to enjoy and eventually you find yourself answering questions and helping others who are new to the Propeller.
Any chance that you live anywhere near the Chicago, NE Ohio, or Mid California areas? There's an opportunity to meet folks at the Propeller expos this year.
BTW, the only difference between the Hydra and the PEKit (you bought) are a few circuits that you'll wire up on your breadboard. If you haven't done it yet, Build that 3-resistor video circuit and connect your Propeller to the TV. Load the Graphic Demo. I promise, you'll be blown away.
When you get ready to start making your own game, here's an easy starting point:
S'okay, sometimes wonder why my stars haven't been yanked for a couple of my snarkier comments....
Ah, but SCRAT thinks otherwise
Welcome SONIC! I think you will have a lot of fun here and with your new toys.
That''s not a fair race.... Scrat never gets the stupid acorn.
Yeah, had me wondering for a while.
Can you provide any examples of this? The closest thing that I can think of is Leon's Xmos posts, but those chips aren't his own product (and it personally doesn't bother me).
It seems that most products are promoted in poster's sigs, and they are all usually uC related and rarely very closed.
Example please.
If someone takes ideas from here and turns them into product what's the problem? Isn't that part of what here is all about?
There may be problems with attribution of ideas but I have not seen it.
I have a Parallax board and a third-party board with more to come and I think I have decided on who to approach, here on the forum, to design and produce my own custom product(s) based on the Propeller...This is why I am here every day!