Best Wife in the World

Since we moved in late August - all of my robotics, electronics and lab tools and equipment have remained in the boxes - waiting to be unpacked.
This weekend, I was on a 3 day retreat. While I was gone, my wife unpacked it all and set it up - based on how she remembered me having it.
The best part is that her memory was very accurate! I never thought she even looked at it.
Now that it is all out - even if I have a minute or two - I can play a bit!
I guess it is time to get some flowers....
This weekend, I was on a 3 day retreat. While I was gone, my wife unpacked it all and set it up - based on how she remembered me having it.
The best part is that her memory was very accurate! I never thought she even looked at it.
Now that it is all out - even if I have a minute or two - I can play a bit!
I guess it is time to get some flowers....
You married a keeper!! Don't ever let her get away!
This wouldn't be a case of psychological overcompensation would it? You know what I'm talking about - like those politicians whom they catch in airport bathrooms. My wife's impulse is to bulldoze everything I own into a sinkhole, but in her heroic effort to fight that impulse, gritting her teeth the entire time, she sometimes picks up even more stuff for me when she sees a dumpster overflowing with hardware.
My wife is the best wife in the world for me.
Ken's wife is the best wife in the world for Ken.
etc etc etc. Let's carefully diffuse this ticking time bomb before someone gets hurt...
They're all perfect and wonderful and we couldn't possibly live without them. I don't say that lightly; I'm fully aware that McNuggets now come in a 100-piece bucket !
VERY smart woman - she will get the rest of the house back.....
It's really nice to hear about the good deeds
that people can do for others. It would be cool
to have a thread for this.