It was down for me today, too, until I signed up for another year. I had forgotten that you get a nineteen-day bye in the new year before you have to renew your subscription. Erco, just go to the "Renew" page to update your personal info, and click "Submit." It doesn't cost anything.
Nope, I closed the browser, cycled power to the modem. Still no!
It's quite maddening. Every time I tried to go to Parallax, it redirected me to and I kept winning Eddie robots. Bummer. All I wanted was a Parallax Ping, but now I'm stuck with seventeen preassembled Eddies. What good are those?
Hmm, since you are able to use the forum you can resolve the Parallax domain which is why I was thinking cache. I am out of ideas and when that happens I reboot out of desperation.
Neither ping nor traceroute work from here, even though I have access to the site with my browser. (traceroute gets stopped at Oddly enough, you can't use the IP address in the browser's address line, either, in lieu of
Erco, have you tried accessing the site through an open proxy? (Do NOT do this if you plan to transmit confidential data, such as credit card numbers.)
Not being able to ping (or traceroute) just means their firewall or local switch is dropping those requests.
If you can't reach the site via a direct IP, it probably means the IP is host to a number of resolving domains, and there is no default set, or the default is a domain without a document root entry.
Ecro/Erco, you really need to flush the DNS cache. Restarting your machine isn't enough, as the cache can remain ever after a restart.
If you have another browser it's a good way to avoid any issues with sticky cookies or its own cache. Chrome is a quick and easy download.
Finally, routes can change, and your ISP may have a switch or router that's keeping an old routing table. You could contact them, but that rarely results in anything more than what people have suggested here. You might try not accessing the main site for several days, in the hopes the new IP (if that's the case) propagates to you.
Flushed the dns cache successfully, restarted PC several times, removed the router (modem direct into PC). Same problem, same error message. Chrome also fails.
Have I been outted?
I wasn't even in!
Removed from the Parallax friends list!!!!!!
just kidding
Working here... You did pay your dues for this year right?
You boys are JOSHIN' wit me, right?
if you know how to do a Ping trace route you can see where it is failing.
Ping trace route? Dunno 'bout dat...
It just happen to me when i add something to a post i just did
You got one too! Yeah! Shame the PropBOE giveaway was over by 8pm..
Seriously.. You are using IE? Grab a copy of Chrome or Firefox and try reloading it. IE is trouble waiting to happen.
It's quite maddening. Every time I tried to go to Parallax, it redirected me to and I kept winning Eddie robots. Bummer. All I wanted was a Parallax Ping, but now I'm stuck with seventeen preassembled Eddies. What good are those?
Try this link:
It may not already be in your cache.
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage on your link.
Never seen this before. Also no go on bookmarked site
ipconfig /flushdns
That should flush any DNS entries held in the network cache. Power cycle your cable modem or router or whatever you use to connect.
Try and not (or vice versa).
The forums and the main site are on different IPs, so it's possible for you to be able to reach here, and not there.
-- Gordon
Erco, have you tried accessing the site through an open proxy? (Do NOT do this if you plan to transmit confidential data, such as credit card numbers.)
If you can't reach the site via a direct IP, it probably means the IP is host to a number of resolving domains, and there is no default set, or the default is a domain without a document root entry.
Ecro/Erco, you really need to flush the DNS cache. Restarting your machine isn't enough, as the cache can remain ever after a restart.
If you have another browser it's a good way to avoid any issues with sticky cookies or its own cache. Chrome is a quick and easy download.
Finally, routes can change, and your ISP may have a switch or router that's keeping an old routing table. You could contact them, but that rarely results in anything more than what people have suggested here. You might try not accessing the main site for several days, in the hopes the new IP (if that's the case) propagates to you.
-- Gordon
Ain't life grand?
'Grasping at straws here...