What pin is the Vdd pin on the 40 pin DIP Prop
So I got my my Propeller education kit a few weeks ago. I understand it great, and I even read over the data sheet. But the only problem I found was that, while the schematic for the demo board is extremely helpful, it uses a quad flat lead package, not dual inline. The part for adding the VGA output was fine, but I would like to add PS/2 mouse and keyboard support, but it says to connect the clock and data pins of the PS/2 output to Vdd, but I don't know what pin that is. And the different packages are supposed to have the same number of I/O pins. Could someone please help?
I'm not sure what comes with the Propeller Education Kit, but the Propeller Education Kit (pdf) is available from the help window of the Propeller Tool.
As Franklin pointed out, Vdd is 3.3V. When you connect something to Vdd, that doesn't mean you have to connect it to a Vdd pin on the Prop, it just needs to be connected to 3.3V on the breadboard (or some other source). Most of the pull-up resistors I've seen used with the Prop have been 10K Ohm (10,000 Ohm).
Vss is ground.
I don't know if you know this or not by the Hydra manual is available as a pdf file from the Hydra product page.
The manual has lots of great information about the Propeller especially about using the Props video capability.