HB, OBC! Geritol, Motrin, Rogaine, Lipotor and . . . . they're all your friends! If you have trouble getting out of your chair be sure to use your arms more than in the past.
I think the Old in OldBitCollector can finally be considered official.
Jeff: Here's a test to see if you're getting old (per Roy) and/or slipping. You're a video game guy. Can you identify my vintage arcade videogame partially shown in the background here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrJzOydjwgw
Geritol, Motrin, Rogaine, Lipotor and . . . . they're all your friends! If you have trouble getting out of your chair be sure to use your arms more than in the past.
Even though I'm a bit older, I'll defer to the voice of experience!
Jeff: Here's a test to see if you're getting old (per Roy) and/or slipping. You're a video game guy. Can you identify my vintage arcade videogame partially shown in the background here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrJzOydjwgw
Hint: you can almost see a joystick on it...
Yeah, I can definitely see it's a vintage 80's arcade. I spy a joystick with a grip, but for the life of me can't remember the game.
(They say memory is one of the first things to go..)
May you continue to SPIN for many more!!
Ken Gracey
Don't forget progressive lenses for reading!
@Ron: You beat Publison to it, that's no mean feat.
Nice club to be in, early forty. You, Chis Savage, and Ken.
Ken, your next!
Ron must have caught it at just after GMT 00:00. I was off air and asleep at the wheel, (working sound at a gig).
Hope my job is still intact. DoggieDoc got me one time before. I hope it's not three strikes and your out.
Hope you have a fun day.
Jeff: Here's a test to see if you're getting old (per Roy) and/or slipping. You're a video game guy. Can you identify my vintage arcade videogame partially shown in the background here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrJzOydjwgw
Hint: you can almost see a joystick on it...
Even though I'm a bit older, I'll defer to the voice of experience!
Yeah, I can definitely see it's a vintage 80's arcade. I spy a joystick with a grip, but for the life of me can't remember the game.
(They say memory is one of the first things to go..)
It was a very relaxing and unwinding day..
Loss of memory is one of the benefits of getting old for you can't remember how good the things were that you can't do any longer... ;-)