For those that struggle with infinity
I saw this and thought it was an excellent overview of the problems with Infinity.
If you have time it's quite enjoyable.
I quite like that Grahams Number ends in 7!
If you have time it's quite enjoyable.
I quite like that Grahams Number ends in 7!
"Isn't the number infinity?" I shrugged.
"Yes," he smirked, "But there are different kinds of infinity."
Now it seems to me that an infinite amount of time must have passed before I was born. An infinite amount of time is to come after I am dead. Jeeze my life is short!
Why do I worry about not being here for that infinite future when I was already not here for that infinite past?
BTW, the video is off-line now. Anybody know where else to find it?
Don't feel bad. Nobody lives longer than 0.7 seconds.
You know what's going to happen about 0.1 seconds before it does.
You know what's happening in a window of nowness that's about 0.3 seconds wide.
And you experience what's already happened for about 0.3 seconds after it's happened.
All else is either a memory, most likely inaccurate at that, or imaginings of things that haven't yet happened and probably won't - all of which uses up the 0.7 seconds of your life, whenever you decide to entertain such thoughts.
I told him my first experience, before learning physics, was learning computers and very stupid computers at that, and I saw instinctively that a sufficiently good computer could be the Universe; that it might feign rules involving these infinities but that really the Universe can only ever present us with a finite amount of information (about 10^81 bits, give or take an order of magnitude, and that's assuming the Universe isn't lying its digital *** off at us, as such alternate universes as Doom, Second Life, and World of Warcraft regularly do) and it frankly made much more sense to me to think that the Universe takes economies we haven't discovered yet than that you really can get more computational power out of a few qubits than all the computers in the world.
In the end he was shaking his head, admitted understanding how I got my worldview, but not letting go of his infinities. I have manipulated bits, they are real to me; nobody has ever seen an infinity, but those are real to him.
You got infinity tattooed to your arm?... or what?
Ah, infinity...
It's hosted on a local TV station in Australia on their website, saying it has 4 days to go. You should be able to get it by going to;
Select under PROGRAMS documentary
And it should appear on the page called "To Infinity And Beyond"
A very Noir style documentary covering the complications of Infinity.
I found it interesting as it's taken the field much further than I thought. I liked the infinite number of parallal universes. I'd like to believe theres one out there where I get paid to play with the propeller. But maybe that's asking too much ;-)
Actually, there are an ifinity of universes where you are paid to play w the propeller.
It's just your luck this isn't one of them.
-1 == infinity
Brilliant slight of hand there!