Wow, was looking through and saw this Computer Kit and thought a few of you here on the forum might be interested in this, only one in stock.
I actually bought a few of these kits several years ago (5 or so) and they were only $99 at the time. I still have my original ZX-80 and ZX-81 that I put together as a kid and they still work to this day.
I almost hacked a Timex Sinclair for my first robot, to enter the first Trinity Firefighting robot contest in 1994. But I saw the BASIC Stamp 1 in Nuts & Volts, and the rest is history.
Thanks Jorge. I would be a little cautious though. The ZX81 used membrane keyboards and their connecting ribbons get brittle with age and since they are now 30 years old the ribbons could crack very easily, I had a couple I bought through ebay and one I got when they were actually being sold and most went bad due to broken ribbons.
I wouldn't worry too much about the membrane keyboard as there are NEW third-party membranes on the market, both for the ZX-81 and the ZX-Spectrum.
(They show up now and then on 'Bay of e' )
(They show up now and then on 'Bay of e' )
Only to find out later that my ZX-80, 16k, Supercalc and my printer was in it...
I still cry today..thinking about it.
The membrane was bad, I took the time to take a keyboard from another console, and solder and re-wire the whole thing...
It worked great.
But now's just a memory...still crying!
PS Was not Supercalc, was MemoCalc