What is on the other side of light? Any guesses?
Like Newtonian mechanics that hold up to .1C, we believe Einsteinian relativity holds up to the infinity aspects of the speed of light c. It's likely there's a jump that takes place over light, where the speed of light is never reached but is surpassed. We cannot predict the variables of time time travel when traveling faster than c, or causality, using Einstein's time travel equation, as it may not, and likely does not, hold true for anything at or over the speed of light. Someone will need to rewrite the rules of Physics for faster than light travel.
There's a totally different world on the other side of the speed of light remaining to be discovered. I think over light is much like over the rainbow. (Dorothy) "Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat, or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain.....", commencing with singing the song. (Over the Rainbow - Judy Garland) - Wizard of Oz, Book by L. Frank Baum, music by Harold Arlen, lyrics by E.Y. Harburg.
Travel faster than the speed of light? What new laws, rules and worlds exist when traveling faster than the speed of light? Care to boldly conjecture about what might remain out there to be experienced and explored in the most remarkable outer fringes of science?
The End.
Nope, above my pay grade.
Free beer?
bit like when you've had too much to drink
Haha! So we're back to free beer!!
Now here's one that will fry your brain (no pun intended). If Tachyon's go faster than the speed of light, and assume they were also created during the big bang, then is the universe even bigger than we currently believe?
Or as a friend of mine puts it, maybe they are travelling backward from the end of the universe, so if you could have a localalized Tachyon detector you could detect the end of the universe - sort of an implementation of Douglas Adam's peril sensitive glasses?
Actually, total blackness apart from a dot directly in your path, and it'd fry you by the radiation of anything in your path (relative to you they are now passing through you at faster than the speed of light). Then anything beyond the point straight ahead would be black as you'd be past when light reached.
But the other problem is relativistic. A collision is two objects trying to share the same space time coordinates. However if you're travelling faster than the speed of light about to colide with an object in it's own reference standing still then you would not hit it, but (and I love this) you may hit where it was at some time before. So you'd be worried about items that were in your path yesterday, not tomorrow. Planning your journey could potentially have a lower level of risk as it was history of where things were, rather than the future which is uncertain to where things will be.
Even motionless particles in your path may actually have no effect, as they are now (in your time reference) hitting you faster than the speed of light, and therefore act to you like Tachyons we think we observe in our time reference. It's probably the real Tachyons you'd need to worry about as they are now travelling closer to your time reference and may be more of a nusence.
Meanwhile you'd have to plan your trip really well as the big stuff (planets, stars, etc) would have the ability to stop your journey quickly. And as you'd only detect them by the light (of some kind) reflected off them then you'd hit them before you saw them. Could be a bit of a party stopper.
I'm not sure of the physics you'd imagine behind a forcefield. The only forces that I can imagine that you'd hijack to cause a forcefield are electrostatic and electromagnetic forces. That is use a laser to boil off electrons from the object about to collide with you so it has the same electical charge as you have to deflect it from your path. However you have to be close for the deflection to occur, and thus you'd still likely to collide at any significant speed. Probably the only practical forcefield is large amounts of matter (water, lead, nickle iron, etc) the more the better, but will only be good for particles, a planet or a star may be better. But the more mass the more fuel/etc. Assuming you had some way to accelerate them close to then exceeding the speed of light without infinite amounts of fuel (then again let's not put reality into the discussion).
YMMV... :-)
Are you trying to imply that God is a tachyon?
That a tachyon is God???
"Damnit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an engineer! You pressed the wrong button again!"
Light cannot travel slower than light, or more correctly, slower than C. Light (photons) can _only_ travel at C. Massless particles have one speed, and that is C.
That light travels "slower" in non-vacuum isn't actually the photons traveling slower than C, it's the photons that keep getting absorbed and re-emitted by the atoms on the way. So it takes longer to go from A to B because there's a small moment where the photon isn't a photon, it's instead a momentarily increased energy level in atoms it meets on the way: An electron jumps to a higher shell (this absorbs the photon) followed by a drop. When the electron drops back a photon is emitted. This takes a bit of time. But the photon always travels at C. (Note that there are other ways of describing the 'scattering' that happens when photons hit matter in non-vacuum, but whatever way it's described it always means that the photon itself always travel at C. It can for example be described in a way that says the phase velocity changes. The photon speed is constant though).
edit: Added a sentence
Actually no implications exist, only the observation of the energy states and associated velocities. While I do indeed possess spiritual views, I rarely bring them into scientific observations or speculations. I reserve that for other forums! :-)
I would go out on a limb here and volunteer that I doubt that a particle could be equated with what we conceive of as an ultimately sentient being, but perhaps, if such a being exists, it is composed entirely of tachyons, exists everywhere in the universe simultaneously, and at all points in time infinitely past and future.
This is not, however, even remotely related to my original post. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sorry :<) could not resist. To good of a set up to resist taking advantage of the humor value.......
Lets say you travel through time into tomorrow and recorded some data on your laptop's hard-drive.File saved as "time trip"..Then you return back to "today" and you start to review this data...
Would there be anything in the file? since the file was made tomorrow? and not today? The event has not happened yet...Could you even find the file?...since it was made tomorrow?
Can you record what has not happened yet?
If using a microsoft product, probably not.
Not then.
Not now.
Not ever.
I see you don't understand how to use windows....Thats ok
Lets say it was a MAC/linux machine.
That's some interesting real life you are living there. So far I have only managed to move forwards in time, sometimes faster than I like...
1) If you took the laptop forward and backward in time with you then presumably the data is there on the hard drive in the same way that you remember that you were there in the future. [See end of post]
2) If you left the laptop behind and entered the data on the laptop you find in the future then I guess the data is not there when you get back.
One might assume "no". Which implies that having been to the future you cannot remember it when you get back. And neither could the laptop contain any record of the future. Which is all pretty much like saying you can't go backwards in time.
One might assume "yes". In which case all hell breaks lose:)
1. Do you now suddenly remember yourself seeing the future you on the other side of the room?
2. If your past self is so astonished to see future-self in the room suddenly that they turn away from the portal and fail to go through, does future self suddenly vanish?
3. What if you both step through the portal together? Would there now be three future selves and a past self?
4. Assuming that 3 above works, and I continued this self-replication, could I actually get some of the home repair projects done that I am so in need of doing, and need about 10 of me to complete??? :-)
@Dave...You better send the frig. through the portal so you'll have enough beer and grocery's for "yourselves"