Using the Roving Networks RN-171,174,and RN-XV
Hello All
I have been experimenting with the RN-171 series of WiFi devices from Rov.Networks with great success.(RN-171,RN-174)and soon the RN-XV
The WiFi system is based around the RN-171 WiFi module.
The RN-174 is a development board with the RN-171 as the bases.
The RN-XV is a direct XBee plug-in replacement to a XBee carrier board with the RN-171. It will give one full WiFi with WPA2-PSK encryption and TCP/IP connection in a wireless LAN and make use of an existing XBee set-up.(XBee carrier board)
The RN-171 is a WiFi to serial converter...Perfect for micro's like the Propeller and the BS2...the RN-171 has a FIFO buffer to aide in communication and the serial Baud rate is selectable....upto 115.2KBaud...54Mbps on the WiFi side...802.11b/g
IP addressing is easy with the RN-171
Below is some test that I ran on this device.
The BS2 sample works well with telnet. enter a "1" to turn the LED on... "0" to turn it off from the telnet window."Hello" verifies connection'
I'd like to encourage others to post their findings with this WiFi module!
I have been experimenting with the RN-171 series of WiFi devices from Rov.Networks with great success.(RN-171,RN-174)and soon the RN-XV
The WiFi system is based around the RN-171 WiFi module.
The RN-174 is a development board with the RN-171 as the bases.
The RN-XV is a direct XBee plug-in replacement to a XBee carrier board with the RN-171. It will give one full WiFi with WPA2-PSK encryption and TCP/IP connection in a wireless LAN and make use of an existing XBee set-up.(XBee carrier board)
The RN-171 is a WiFi to serial converter...Perfect for micro's like the Propeller and the BS2...the RN-171 has a FIFO buffer to aide in communication and the serial Baud rate is selectable....upto 115.2KBaud...54Mbps on the WiFi side...802.11b/g
IP addressing is easy with the RN-171
Below is some test that I ran on this device.
The BS2 sample works well with telnet. enter a "1" to turn the LED on... "0" to turn it off from the telnet window."Hello" verifies connection'
I'd like to encourage others to post their findings with this WiFi module!
Great! I know you have waited a long time for this event! What are some of your project ideas?
--Bill; aka Serial-Cable-Replacement-Wannabe-Man
I plan on converting all of my old 433MHz RF stuff over to WiFi.This will free up the Prop that I have hooked to my PC for the RF modules.
I can also check on things from afar with this TCP/IP set-up via the Internet.
This is things like my chicken coupe feeder...All Stamp controlled.Same thing for the hog pin and cattle feeders,Front gate,Well pump monitor.Pool pump,etc.
I also plan to convert my BOE-HAWG to WiFi. With this set-up I can write an App and control it from my smartphone.(easier said then done,But I'll get there)
I have a working GUI but I still have some bugs with the mesock32.dll call in my App.
I'll post updates as I write them and try to make them fool Prof.
mesock.dll is for a TCP/IP socket with a port address.If you want to use http:/, HTML,etc take a look at winsock or wsock.dll for high traffic text, etc.
For use with telnet and the RN-174 to BS2 code below
Super Simple
Below is some screen shots of how this is done.
Click on on type in "CMD"...In the CMD window type in "telnet"
(If you get an error about telnet not recognized....Its probably not installed. more on this later)
next type in the IP address of your RN-171 starting with a little "o" like | o 2000 |
"o" is the open command for telnet.... is the IP address... and 2000 is the port# to open
If you can not get telnet to run...Its probably not installed...Heres a simple fix.
Grab the WinOS disk for your computer and put it in the CD drive...Goto to start...then control panel...then Add/remove programs....type in telnet to install from drive "?"what ever your CD drive is...usally drive
Let the Windows install wizard do the rest.....You should have telnet after this operation completes...
JPEG's 5 and 6 show how to turn the LED on and off through the BS2 with the code shown above...again super simple
The last jpeg was my first GUI window...nothing fancy...but it worked
More info and code to come....
If you have info on using the RN-171 please post it...!
but while associating it with an ap it got stuck at the point "dhcp: start"
the module is not able to obtain an ip address for it self
i did it even using the static ip address mode but still the same problem
however i was successfully able to connect the to an ad hoc created by my laptop
but i was not able to view the udp packets send by it(in port peeker)
can any one let me know what i need to do?
i m following the manual provided by the company
I've been using the WiFly RN-131C as a bare module from sparkfun and wired it into a Propeller based circuit. I was able to hack it working first using just the serial port connected to it and connect via a web browser to see data. I then moved it to a prop. I found the OBEX RN-XV Wifly Web Server V01 by Ben Thacker are really well written and work a treat. I'd well recommend giving them a try. I did screw up mine a bit by trying to move from the factory settings and not setting it for both TCP and HTTP. However once I set that it worked just fine. I haven't tried the RN-171, they look cheaper but from reading the datasheet it looks like they need a pcb trace antena or a chip antena.
Sorry I can't help you much with the 174.
I'm going to stabalize the code and then consider
The WiFly devices do output specific strings to their serial port when the connection is opened or closed (like *HELLO*, *OPEN*, *CLOS*). You can write your code to use them and/or modify them with configuration commands including setting them to empty so nothing gets sent.
I have almost converted all of my wireless stuff over to WiFi with the RN-174. All reachable from the www, with WPA encryption.
My GUI is on all of my PC's....Yes I have redundancy.
The Net gear WiFi router I have sends the commands to the WiFi devices.(RN-174)s'
WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network
A short read will gain understanding on the RN-174.
I wasn't asking for help here, But giving help with the RN-174.
Push an IP address into the RN-174 under TCP/IP. You need to get the RN-171/174 in to your LAN.
If you don't know the IP address of your wire-less LAN????
Open the CMD window. You might have to look in the control panel for this.
Next type "cmd" in the "run" window.
In the black cmd window, type " ipconfig "
This will return the IP/address of the PC your using and the work-group of the IP/address.
If its 192.168,, Then the work group is at "" or it could be ""
If the "yyy" is "1" then the work group is ""
"yyy" is the work group...."xxx" is the node address
Make sure the IP/address you set does don't conflick with another IP/adress.."xxx"=0-255
If IP/address is already used...You can't use the IP/address
I'm using the RN-171 in PCB project and I had a problem with the communication, i'm trying to generate the ad hoc network but the module doesnt generate it, i do it setting at 3.3v the GPIO9.
thanks for your help
best regards
I'll post some new WiFi code soon.
Wow! This is an old thread! I pray you are happy and healthy!
It's been a longtime since we spoke.
I'm doing well, I hope you the same!!!
Update the firmware (using the internet connection from the home wify router):
*Start from scratch:* $$$ factory R save reboot *Connect to internet using the wify router:* $$$ set wlan join 1 set wlan channel 0 set wlan auth 4 set wlan join 1 set wlan phrase yourpassword set wlan ssid yourSSIDname set ftp address set ftp dir public set ftp user roving set ftp pass Pass123 save reboot *let it join the net, and donwload the new firmware* $$$ ftp update wifly-EZX.img reboot *factory reset and restart with the new firmware* $$$ factory R save reboot
Configure it as access point (in my case I set the baud rate to 4800 for parsing NMEA strings at this rate):
$$$ set ip dhcp 4 set wlan join 7 set wlan auth 4 set apmode passphrase thepassword set apmode ssid thessid set uart baudrate 4800 set ip address set ip netmask save reboot
Since my home router network uses, I switched it to
set wlan join 7
set wlan channel 1
set apmode ssid WiFlyOne
set apmode passphrase pass5678
set ip dhcp 4
set ip address
set ip net
set ip gateway
save apmode
I have the Sparkfun RN-XV module plugged into a Parallax XBEE/USB adapter connected to my desktop PC.
I also have VB6 program which uses the MSWINSCK.ocx to establish a TCP connection on port 2000.
This VB6 program also works fine on my HP Stream 7" tablet.
After connecting to the WiFly access point I can establish a TCP connection and exchange data using Parallax Serial Terminal.
New Prop IDE with
At $25 bucks its worth trying out. I'm ordering a couple.