Surac, can you confirm that the clock is actually going to the _CLKFREQ frequency in a PASM-only download? It should remain in RCFAST mode at ~24MHz. In a Spin2 download, the _CLKFREQ frequency will be set when the interpreter starts, just before your program starts. All downloading is done at RCFAST, though.
Surac, can you confirm that the clock is actually going to the _CLKFREQ frequency in a PASM-only download? It should remain in RCFAST mode at ~24MHz. In a Spin2 download, the _CLKFREQ frequency will be set when the interpreter starts, just before your program starts. All downloading is done at RCFAST, though.
I tried again and found how to reproduce it:
rep @done,#0
drvnot #0
Pressing F10 in PNUT gives a 6.5 MHz on pin 0 -> that is what i have expected. P2 is in RCFAST
But Pressing CTRL+F10 in PNUT gives 25 MHz on pin 0 -> P2 is in PLL mode 100 MHz
rep @done,#0
drvnot #0
Pressing CTRL+F10 in PNUT gives 50 MHz on pin 0 -> P2 is in PLL mode 200 MHz
As i know "Debug" needs the P2 to run >10MHz you just set the clock in den debugger to whatever is specified by _clkfreq=xxx. It seem to be a side effect of the DEBUG
I'm pretty sure I don't use Prop_Clk in PNut. There is no reason to, at this time, because our USB-to-serial chips only run reliably to 2Mbaud and RCFAST runs fast enough to support that.
Ctrl-F10 sets the clock mode because it launches the debugger before running your PASM-only program.
I posted a new version (v35n) at the top of the this thread.
Per Gavin of University of Virginia's request, sprites have been added to the DEBUG PLOT window.
Also, REPEAT-variable now leaves the variable at the terminal value, instead of the terminal value +/- step.
Gavin was having his students make video games using PLOT as a first exercise in using the P2. He had developed a sprite drawing routine, but it was too slow to be practical and inescapably more complicated than beneficial for the students. So, sprites are now built into PLOT and they can be rendered with a very terse command.
' Run with DEBUG enabled to view
_clkfreq = 300_000_000
sprites = 128
VAR x[sprites], y[sprites], dx[sprites], dy[sprites], orient[sprites], scale[sprites], opacity[sprites]
PUB go() | i
debug(`plot myplot size 384 384 update)
debug(`myplot cartesian 1)
'load 32 sprites
repeat i from 0 to 31
debug(`myplot spritedef `(i) 16 16 `uhex_byte_array_(@Mario0 + i * 256, 256) `uhex_long_array_(@MarioColors, 52))
'set sprite trajectories, orientations, scales, and opacities
repeat i from 0 to sprites - 1
x[i] := getrnd() zerox 8 '0..511
y[i] := getrnd() zerox 8 '0..511
dx[i] := getrnd() // 7 '-6..6
dy[i] := getrnd() // 7 '-6..6
orient[i] := getrnd() & 7 '0..7
scale[i] := getrnd() +// 4 + 1 '1..4
opacity[i] := getrnd() zerox 6 + 128 '128..255
'animate sprites
debug(`myplot clear)
repeat i from 0 to sprites - 1
debug(`myplot set `((x[i] += dx[i]) & $1FF - 64, (y[i] += dy[i]) & $1FF - 64) sprite `(i & $1F, orient[i], scale[i], opacity[i]))
debug(`myplot update)
' Thanks to Gavin T. Garner, Ph.D. of University of Virginia for these sprites.
Mario0 byte {
..... 31 sprites not shown in this list, in order to fit it into this post .....
MarioColors long {
}%00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000,{ $7fff 'any bit 31..24 set means transparent
}%11111111_11111000_11111000_11111000,{ $7fff
}%11111111_11111000_11111000_11111000,{ $7fff
}%11111111_11111000_11111000_11111000,{ $7fff
}%11111111_11111000_11011000_10011000,{ $7f73
}%11111111_11111000_11011000_10010000,{ $7f72
}%11111111_11111000_11011000_01001000,{ $7f69
}%11111111_11110000_11011000_01001000,{ $7b69
}%11111111_11111000_11001000_10010000,{ $7f32
}%11111111_11110000_10100000_01110000,{ $7a8e
}%11111111_11111000_10010000_01101000,{ $7e4d
}%11111111_11111000_10011000_00111000,{ $7e67
}%11111111_11111000_10011000_00011000,{ $7e63
}%11111111_11011000_10010000_01001000,{ $6e49
}%11111111_01101000_10110000_11011000,{ $36db
}%11111111_01100000_10101000_11100000,{ $32bc
}%11111111_01001000_10010000_10110000,{ $2656
}%11111111_11110000_10001000_01101000,{ $7a2d
}%11111111_11101000_10010000_01001000,{ $7649
}%11111111_10111000_01101000_00000000,{ $5da0
}%11111111_10110000_01101000_00000000,{ $59a0
}%11111111_01010000_10001000_10111000,{ $2a37
}%11111111_01001000_01101000_10010000,{ $25b2
}%11111111_01000000_01100000_10010000,{ $2192
}%11111111_11111000_00110000_01010000,{ $7cca
}%11111111_00110000_00110000_00110000,{ $18c6'***problem!
}%11111111_11111000_00100000_01001000,{ $7c89
}%11111111_11011000_00101000_00000000,{ $6ca0
}%11111111_11111000_00001000_00001000,{ $7c21
}%11111111_00100000_00100000_00100000,{ $1084
}%11111111_11011000_00000000_00100000,{ $6c04
}%11111111_11011000_00000000_00101000,{ $6c05 'address=31
}%11111111_11111000_11111000_11111000,{ $7fff 00->20 'MarioItems
}%11111111_11011000_11111000_11111000,{ $6fff 01->21
}%11111111_11111000_11011000_00000000,{ $7f60 02->22
}%11111111_10100000_11101000_00100000,{ $53a4 03->23
}%11111111_11110000_11010000_10110000,{ $7b56 04->24
}%11111111_11111000_11010000_10001000,{ $7f51 05->25
}%11111111_11111000_11001000_11000000,{ $7f38 06->26
}%11111111_11111000_10101000_00110000,{ $7ea6 07->27
}%11111111_10000000_11000000_00110000,{ $4306 08->28
}%11111111_11111000_10010000_00100000,{ $7e44 09->29
}%11111111_11010000_10100000_00000000,{ $6a80 0a->2a
}%11111111_10100000_01111000_00000000,{ $51e0 0b->2b
}%11111111_01011000_10011000_00000000,{ $2e60 0c->2c
}%11111111_11100000_01011000_00010000,{ $7162 0d->2d
}%11111111_11111000_01001000_01001000,{ $7d29 0e->2e
}%11111111_10011000_01001000_00000000,{ $4d20 0f->2f
}%11111111_00110000_00110000_00110000,{ $18c6 10->30
}%11111111_11111000_00101000_00100000,{ $7ca4 11->31
}%11111111_11010000_00000000_00100000,{ $6804 12->32
}%11111111_00100000_00100000_00100000 ' $1084 13->33 'address=51
Not sure about changing the REPEAT variable outcome. The traditional way does have its use in that the variable is prep'd for continuation. It's the logical outcome of post-increment. When I watched the video, I was a little surprised at the question being posed really.
@evanh said:
Not sure about changing the REPEAT variable outcome. The traditional way does have its use in that the variable is prep'd for continuation. It's the logical outcome of post-increment. When I watched the video, I was a little surprised at the question being posed really.
heh, yeah, especially in the Prop2 where very few special registers are both read and write. All the same, I can see the count as a constrained index is a decent example of the alternative. And I have coded such before.
@evanh said:
Not sure about changing the REPEAT variable outcome. The traditional way does have its use in that the variable is prep'd for continuation. It's the logical outcome of post-increment. When I watched the video, I was a little surprised at the question being posed really.
I think the point was that Spin 1 does not do that, so Spin 2 should really follow the same behaviour.
It is not common programming to expect a for loop variable to have a specific exit value (eg the loop may have a exit), but it certainly helps porting if Spin2 behaves exactly the same as Spin1. (where possible)
@cgracey said:
Would anyone mind if I got rid of the commas in DEBUG outputs? They are sometimes good to look at, but just take more time to transmit.
You mean make them optional ? Yes, that's a good idea. Anything that can shorten the character strings all helps, as in many cases those can feed straight into a USB buffer, and it all reduces the P2 time impact.
Can I also suggest making hex-strings sticky in some way, so you do not need to send a HEX char with every number.
Maybe if the command has a suffix $, then all chars following are taken as hex ?
As a use example, in the past I've captured space or comma delimited hex strings, and pasted into a spreadsheet, then you can use HEX2DEC() to process those fields.
Excel can import
002D1AB8 005A2BF2
Excel can even import this, if I select [other] and $ as well as comma so it may also be useful for your parser to allow '$ as comma'
That imports into columns 2 and 3, as $ clones ,
ie the hex char is allowed to displace a comma or space.
@cgracey said:
Would anyone mind if I got rid of the commas in DEBUG outputs? They are sometimes good to look at, but just take more time to transmit.
You mean make them optional ? Yes, that's a good idea. Anything that can shorten the character strings all helps, as in many cases those can feed straight into a USB buffer, and it all reduces the P2 time impact.
Can I also suggest making hex-strings sticky in some way, so you do not need to send a HEX char with every number.
Maybe if the command has a suffix $, then all chars following are taken as hex ?
As a use example, in the past I've captured space or comma delimited hex strings, and pasted into a spreadsheet, then you can use HEX2DEC() to process those fields.
Excel can import
002D1AB8 005A2BF2
Excel can even import this, if I select [other] and $ as well as comma so it may also be useful for your parser to allow '$ as comma'
That imports into columns 2 and 3, as $ clones ,
ie the hex char is allowed to displace a comma or space.
That's great that commas are not required. I am going to investigate this more.
Do you have any opinions/ideas on making indirection a syntax feature of Pasm? Similar idea to the AUGx instructions I'd imagine. The more coding I do the more I keep using ALTx instructions for small table/buffer work in cogRAM.
@evanh said:
Do you have any opinions/ideas on making indirection a syntax feature of Pasm? Similar idea to the AUGx instructions I'd imagine. The more coding I do the more I keep using ALTx instructions for small table/buffer work in cogRAM.
@evanh said:
Do you have any opinions/ideas on making indirection a syntax feature of Pasm? Similar idea to the AUGx instructions I'd imagine. The more coding I do the more I keep using ALTx instructions for small table/buffer work in cogRAM.
Register indirection is clunky at the moment and could and should be simpler. The main issue I have with ALTxx is that D is the index (reg only) and S is the base, whereas base first followed by index is more intuitive.
altgn nindex,#nbase
getnib bindex
altsb bindex,#bbase
setbyte data
getnib bindex,[#nbase+nindex]
setbyte [#bbase+bindex],data
'[base+index] not [base,index]
'to show addition is involved
It would be mistake to add square brackets to WRxxxx when there is no redirection.
@TonyB_ said:
It would be mistake to add square brackets to WRxxxx when there is no redirection.
They accept a memory address, rather than data. If an immediate is encoded, it is a hubRAM address to get data from or write data to. If a register is encoded then the requisite hubRAM address is fetched from that register before performing the hubRAM access. That is indirection. Which makes all the hubRAM load/store instructions indirect.
@TonyB_ said:
It would be mistake to add square brackets to WRxxxx when there is no redirection.
They accept a memory address, rather than data. If an immediate is encoded, it is a hubRAM address to get data from or write data to. If a register is encoded then the requisite hubRAM address is fetched from that register before performing the hubRAM access. That is indirection. Which makes all the hubRAM load/store instructions indirect.
OK, it would be mistake to add square brackets to WRxxxx when there is no ALTxx involved.
That's a good way to view it. I doubted Chip was entertaining that part of the suggestions anyway since it would break backwards compatibility for just cosmetics.
A minor bug in Propeller Tool 2.5.3:
The debug output (text teminal) window is not refreshed when re-sized. When moving the window around by dragging the title bar the text contents stay there but if the window is re-sized only a blank black area is left.
Improvement request: It would be nice if mark and copy would work on the text for archiving/logging or documentation purposes.
Okay, that would be extraneous action then. How come you even noticed it?
I don't think I use Prop_Clk during download.
Surac, can you confirm that the clock is actually going to the _CLKFREQ frequency in a PASM-only download? It should remain in RCFAST mode at ~24MHz. In a Spin2 download, the _CLKFREQ frequency will be set when the interpreter starts, just before your program starts. All downloading is done at RCFAST, though.
I tried again and found how to reproduce it:
As i know "Debug" needs the P2 to run >10MHz you just set the clock in den debugger to whatever is specified by _clkfreq=xxx. It seem to be a side effect of the DEBUG
(deleted, I had incorrect information)
I'm pretty sure I don't use Prop_Clk in PNut. There is no reason to, at this time, because our USB-to-serial chips only run reliably to 2Mbaud and RCFAST runs fast enough to support that.
Ctrl-F10 sets the clock mode because it launches the debugger before running your PASM-only program.
Yes, that's what i have found. Launching with debugger sets the clock to whatever is specified by _CLKFREQ even in PASM only Programs.
sorry for thinking you are using Prop_Clk, that was wrong. It is the debugger setting the clock what tortured me
Thanks Chip.![:smiley: :smiley:](
V35m command line tweaks are a real time saver.
I posted a new version (v35n) at the top of the this thread.
Per Gavin of University of Virginia's request, sprites have been added to the DEBUG PLOT window.
Also, REPEAT-variable now leaves the variable at the terminal value, instead of the terminal value +/- step.
Gavin was having his students make video games using PLOT as a first exercise in using the P2. He had developed a sprite drawing routine, but it was too slow to be practical and inescapably more complicated than beneficial for the students. So, sprites are now built into PLOT and they can be rendered with a very terse command.
With just the humble comport, lol. I love it.
Not sure about changing the REPEAT variable outcome. The traditional way does have its use in that the variable is prep'd for continuation. It's the logical outcome of post-increment. When I watched the video, I was a little surprised at the question being posed really.
This will work properly now:
I think it is an improvement.
heh, yeah, especially in the Prop2 where very few special registers are both read and write. All the same, I can see the count as a constrained index is a decent example of the alternative. And I have coded such before.
That is just SERIOUSLY cool. That has sizzle!
I think the point was that Spin 1 does not do that, so Spin 2 should really follow the same behaviour.
It is not common programming to expect a for loop variable to have a specific exit value (eg the loop may have a exit), but it certainly helps porting if Spin2 behaves exactly the same as Spin1. (where possible)
@ cgracey
re:Per Gavin of University of Virginia's request, sprites have been added to the DEBUG PLOT window.
Very cool!!
Would anyone mind if I got rid of the commas in DEBUG outputs? They are sometimes good to look at, but just take more time to transmit.
Two thoughts:
Where that output can be used, direct cut 'n paste style, that is a seriously great learning tool. The commas are worth keeping.
If not, then maybe they are a waste.
Personally, I would split the middle and have verbose, as intended above. People can cut 'n paste output / log lines and use them.
And have minimal mode for performance.
You mean make them optional ? Yes, that's a good idea. Anything that can shorten the character strings all helps, as in many cases those can feed straight into a USB buffer, and it all reduces the P2 time impact.
Can I also suggest making hex-strings sticky in some way, so you do not need to send a HEX char with every number.
Maybe if the command has a suffix $, then all chars following are taken as hex ?
As a use example, in the past I've captured space or comma delimited hex strings, and pasted into a spreadsheet, then you can use HEX2DEC() to process those fields.
Excel can import
002D1AB8 005A2BF2
Excel can even import this, if I select [other] and $ as well as comma so it may also be useful for your parser to allow '$ as comma'
That imports into columns 2 and 3, as $ clones ,
ie the hex char is allowed to displace a comma or space.
That's great that commas are not required. I am going to investigate this more.
Do you have any opinions/ideas on making indirection a syntax feature of Pasm? Similar idea to the AUGx instructions I'd imagine. The more coding I do the more I keep using ALTx instructions for small table/buffer work in cogRAM.
Example suggestions:
It would involve a change to existing hubRAM load/store syntax. Eg:
and provides the consistency for this:
Is it possible to make a compiler switch to suppress the underscores „_“ in the number output.
Or to make it simple.
Debug(sdec(x)) prints x = 1_234
Debug(sdec_(x)) prints 1234 without the underscore.
The underscore is good for human reading the debug output, but standard software can not read such numbers and work with it.
I need to look into this. There may be many rules and subtle exceptions to handle.
I will look into this, too.
Register indirection is clunky at the moment and could and should be simpler. The main issue I have with ALTxx is that D is the index (reg only) and S is the base, whereas base first followed by index is more intuitive.
It would be mistake to add square brackets to WRxxxx when there is no redirection.
They accept a memory address, rather than data. If an immediate is encoded, it is a hubRAM address to get data from or write data to. If a register is encoded then the requisite hubRAM address is fetched from that register before performing the hubRAM access. That is indirection. Which makes all the hubRAM load/store instructions indirect.
To be fair, in any architecture, only the register set can be direct addressed.
OK, it would be mistake to add square brackets to WRxxxx when there is no ALTxx involved.
That's a good way to view it. I doubted Chip was entertaining that part of the suggestions anyway since it would break backwards compatibility for just cosmetics.
A minor bug in Propeller Tool 2.5.3:
The debug output (text teminal) window is not refreshed when re-sized. When moving the window around by dragging the title bar the text contents stay there but if the window is re-sized only a blank black area is left.
Improvement request: It would be nice if mark and copy would work on the text for archiving/logging or documentation purposes.