A ROM font compatible 8x8 font

Here's a font. It has all the characters from the ROM font, but in 8x8 (there's also an 8x16 version, but not all the special characters fit in with each other and i didn't really care)
Its licensed CC0 and based on funscii (in turn based on unscii).
A C64-style binary version is attached, but you can also compile it to a BMP file from scratch: https://github.com/Wuerfel21/funscii
(CharPad was used to convert to binary)
Awesome! I hope Propeller Tool is maintaining use of the original Parallax font, because being able to put simple schematics into source code is really useful.
Does FlexProp support this font? (Chips)
I mean this is just a font. It works anywhere you can get it to work.
If you mean using the Parallax TTF font in FlexProp on th PC, I think it'd work if you changed the font to it.
It won't handle putting special characters (anything non-ASCII that is, including stuff like ÄÖÜ) into strings properly though...
I was looking for an 8x8 font today and lo-and-behold, this cool font popped up that Ada had made almost 5 years ago.
I need to turn it 90 degrees for use in portrait mode now.
@cgracey I live in your walls.
Fair enough.
My thoughts too… as long as she can help babysit!. 🤣