Adapting 2mm pitch device to .1 spacing
I have some RF devices from Maxstream for use in some ZigBee·prototyping. Unfortunately, they are an odd-ball
form factor, i.e 2mm (Euro?) between pins, 22mm between rows, 10 pins each row. I was wondering if anyone has a line on 2mm-to-2.54mm adapters, or 2mm headers to get at the signals? I have found some protoboards with 2mm spacing, but it would be nice to be able to adapt to .1. Hate to have to send out for some custom PCB adapters to get started with these things...
form factor, i.e 2mm (Euro?) between pins, 22mm between rows, 10 pins each row. I was wondering if anyone has a line on 2mm-to-2.54mm adapters, or 2mm headers to get at the signals? I have found some protoboards with 2mm spacing, but it would be nice to be able to adapt to .1. Hate to have to send out for some custom PCB adapters to get started with these things...
[noparse][[/noparse] This starts on their catalog's page 71, access further pages by modifying the Address in the toolbar with 0072.pdf, 0073.pdf, and so on ]
None of these are real easy to search, but a quick call might find you what you want.
or you try slicing up the pads on standard P-Board (prototyping board with drilled square pads every tenth inch) to achieve the result. I had a friend with very steady hands and a really sharp Xacto knife who could wittle down these pads to match most any pitch down to .05". Calls for a fine soldering tip too.
Thanks for the input and links. It will definitely take a call to one of the sites mentioned, as I can't seem to even describe to their search engines what I need. I guess there is always the "dead bug" method, but these little fellas have a chip antenna on their back, so maybe "suspended dead bug" for some clearance...also, at 2.4ghz, they are probably a little fussy about their orientations. Oh well, that's why they call it experimenting and prototyping.
Thanks again,
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/3/2006 5:59:58 PM GMT
That would be very kind, as is your offer. This would be a great help. If you can bring the twenty pins out to some .1 pads, and a width/length that works on .1 centers, I would happily get them made. I take it that I would install the 2mm header and install the module in this, and then I could mount header pins on the .1 parts, so that in the end it would also fit into a standard protoboard? No external things stuck out from the module; quite self-contained. Will have to add some external components on the protoboard, but that is a simple matter once I have the adapter. If it works, could several of the adapters fit on one of sparkfun's standard PCB sizes, such that I can either break apart (or saw) them apart? I will send a message via PM to continue this....
zigbee. I am trying to figure out how to use the MaxStream Zigbee moules with a BS2 and I can't even find enough info that I understand to get started. I am currently using a bluetooth module for aone application. What I want to so is connect a PIR sensor to the MaxStream zigbee and have it communicate with a BS2. Can anyone please help? Also, please let me know if I should move this to a new thread, I an new to this and not sure of the proper etique.
Welcome to the Forum. Bit of a newcomer myself. As far as moving the·thread, maybe just another title will do, so that more people might understand what you're attempting. At any rate, that's a call for the Moderator.
Now to the Zigbee project·you envision. Zigbee is just another protocol wedded to a radio method. The benefits, still to be proven in my mind, are low power requirements, some interference immunity, and the built-in networking available from the protocol. It will be especially nice for me if the major suppliers·get the ad hoc·"mesh" networking running; most suppliers of chips haven't fully implemented the Zigbee specification's full armament. You will need a micro to take in your sensor data and·pass it to the MaxStream·unit. I'm just getting the bugs out of taking time and temp and·transferring them amongst several nodes. Very early days for me.·Basically, you need one micro (or a PC) on both ends of the link to transfer and get at the data you are trying to move. Or many units transferring data to a controller node. The end devices can forward data up the line in order to get it to the boss. At any rate, I will be looking forward to what you can come up with.
In the end, it seems that it's all about getting the LEDs to blink....