Erco, Whit is a man of good words by profession!! :O) He's NOT what you need when you want PR, I imagine usually honesty and conscience get in the way of good PR.
I'll have to see the movie before I can comment on what a TARS can do but it is typically erco-riffic!!
@mindrobots - It is not PR when you believe in what you are talking about - erco is the man!
@erco - with the art department that you have - who needs PR? Love the new family portrait! All it needed was some robots!
Google just told me there was a new video on erco's channel. Very very cool! Excellent work!
I confess I had been a bit skeptical when I saw the first post. Now I'm a believer. I'm looking forward to seeing what this becomes.
TARS is just for fun right now, thanks. Been meaning to build since forever, but just had ~2 days free to do it. Now I'm going on a 2-week trip though, so walking will have to wait a while.
Unless I squeeze him in my suitcase, not sure how much free time I'll have.
Some more info for reference - Don't know how accurate this is, but it looks pretty good and is from what looks like a movie prop/costume and model builders forum (Replica Props Forum). Link address is on the left side. Drawing is by MrSinistar.
There are other fun items in the thread like created information for the output screens on TARS and CASE.
You really talked me up on your blog, Pal. When I need a PR rep, you're on deck.
I'll have to see the movie before I can comment on what a TARS can do but it is typically erco-riffic!!
@erco - with the art department that you have - who needs PR? Love the new family portrait! All it needed was some robots!
I confess I had been a bit skeptical when I saw the first post. Now I'm a believer. I'm looking forward to seeing what this becomes.
You gotta be a belieber.
Great work erco, BTW.
Thanks Whit! Can you take it from here?
Unless I squeeze him in my suitcase, not sure how much free time I'll have.
There are other fun items in the thread like created information for the output screens on TARS and CASE.